
cython wrapper for khash

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


cython wrapper for khash-sets/maps, efficient implementation of isin and unique


  • Brings functionality of khash (https://github.com/attractivechaos/klib/blob/master/khash.h) to Cython and can be used seamlessly in numpy or pandas.

  • Numpy's world is lacking the concept of a (hash-)set. This shortcoming is fixed and efficient (compared to pandas') unique and isin are implemented.

  • Python-set/dict have big memory-footprint. For some datatypes the overhead can be reduced by using khash.


The recommended way to install the library is via conda package manager using the conda-forge channel:

conda install -c conda-forge cykhash

You can also install the library using pip. To install the latest release:

pip install cykhash

To install the most recent version of the module:

pip install https://github.com/realead/cykhash/zipball/master


To build the library from source, Cython>=0.28 is required as well as c-build tool chain.

See (https://github.com/realead/cykhash/blob/master/doc/README4DEVELOPER.md) for dependencies needed for development.

Quick start

Hash set and isin

Creating a hashset and using it in isin:

# prepare data:
import numpy as np 
a = np.arange(42, dtype=np.int64)
b = np.arange(84, dtype=np.int64)
result = np.empty(b.size, dtype=np.bool)

# actually usage
from cykhash import Int64Set_from_buffer, isin_int64

lookup = Int64Set_from_buffer(a) # create a hashset
isin_int64(b, lookup, result)    # running time O(b.size)
isin_int64(b, lookup, result)    # lookup is reused and not recreated


Finding unique in O(n) (compared to numpy's np.unique - O(n*logn)) and smaller memory-footprint than pandas' pd.unique:

# prepare input
import numpy as np
a = np.array([1,2,3,3,2,1], dtype=np.int64)

# actual usage:
from cykhash import unique_int64
unique_buffer = unique_int64(a) # unique element are exposed via buffer-protocol

# can be converted to a numpy-array without copying via
unique_array = np.ctypeslib.as_array(unique_buffer)

Hash map

Maps and sets handle nan-correctly (try it out with Python's dict/set):

from cykhash import Float64to64Map
my_map = Float64to64Map(for_int=True) # values are 64bit integers
my_map[float("nan")] = 1
assert my_map[float("nan")] == 1

Functionality overview

Hash sets

Int64Set, Int32Set, Float64Set, Float32Set, and PyObjectSet are implemented. They aren't drop-in replacements of the Python-set and have only a basic interface. However, given the Cython-interface, efficient extensions of functionality are easily done.

Biggest advantage of these sets is that they need about 4 times less memory than the usual Python-sets and are somewhat faster for integers or floats.

The most efficient way to create such sets is to use XXXXSet_from_buffer(...), e.g. Int64Set_from_buffer, if data container supports buffer protocol (e.g. numpy-arrays, array.array or ctypes-arrays). Or XXXXSet_from(...) for any iterator.

Hash maps

Int64to64Map, Int32to32Map, Float64to64Map, Float32to32Map, and PyObjectMap are implemented. They aren't drop-in replacements of the Python-dictionaries and have only a basic interface. However, given the Cython-interface efficient extensions of functionality are easily done.

Biggest advantage of these sets is that they need about 4 times less memory than the usual Python-dictionaries and are somewhat faster for integers or floats.


  • implemented are isin_int64, isin_int32, isin_float64, isin_float32
  • using hash set instead of arrays in isin function has the advantage, that the look-up data structure doesn't have to be reconstructed for every call, thus reducing the running time from O(n+m)to O(n), where n is the number of queries and m-number of elements in the look up array.
  • Thus cykash's isin can be order of magnitude faster than the numpy's or pandas' versions.


  • implemented are unique_int64, unique_int32, unique_float64, unique_float32
  • returns an object which implements the buffer protocol, so np.ctypeslib.as_array (recommended) or np.frombuffer (less safe, as memory can get reinterpreted) can be used to create numpy arrays.
  • differently as pandas, the returned uniques aren't in the order of the appearance. If order of appearence is important use unique_stable_xxx-versions, which needs somewhat more memory.
  • the signature is unique_xxx(buffer, size_hint=0.0) the initial memory-consumption of the hash-set will be len(buffer)*size_hint unless size_hint<=0.0, in this case it will be ensured, that no rehashing is needed even if all elements are unique in the buffer.

As pandas uses maps instead of sets internally for unique, it needs about 4 times more peak memory and is 1.6-3 times slower.

Floating-point numbers as keys

There is a problem with floating-point sets or maps, i.e. Float64Set, Float32Set, Float64to64Map and Float32to32Map: The standard definition of "equal" and hash-function based on the bit representation don't define a meaningful or desired behavior for the hash set:

  • NAN != NAN and thus it is not equivalence relation
  • -0.0 == 0.0 but hash(-0.0)!=hash(0.0), but x==y => hash(x)==hash(y) is neccessary for set to work properly.

This problem is resolved through following special case handling:

  • hash(-0.0):=hash(0.0)
  • hash(x):=hash(NAN) for any not a number x.
  • x is equal y <=> x==y || (x!=x && y!=y)

A consequence of the above rule, that the equivalence classes of {0.0, -0.0} and e{x | x is not a number} have more than one element. In the set these classes are represented by the first seen element from the class.

The above holds also for PyObjectSet (this behavior is not the same as fro Python-set which shows a different behavior for nans).


Hash sets

Python: Creates a set from a numpy-array and looks up whether an element is in the resulting set:

import numpy as np
from cykhash import Int64Set_from_buffer
a =  np.arange(42, dtype=np.int64)
my_set = Int64Set_from_buffer(a) # no reallocation will be needed
assert 41 in my_set and 42 not in my_set

Python: Create a set from an iterable and looks up whether an element is in the resulting set:

from cykhash import Int64Set_from
my_set = Int64Set_from(range(42)) # no reallocation will be needed
assert 41 in my_set and 42 not in my_set

Cython: Create a set and put some values into it:

from cykhash.khashsets cimport Int64Set
my_set = Int64Set(number_of_elements_hint=12)  # reserve place for at least 12 integers
cdef Py_ssize_t i
for i in range(12):
assert 11 in my_set and 12 not in my_set

Hash maps

Python: Creating int64->float64 map using Int64to64Map_from_float64_buffer:

import numpy as np
from cykhash import Int64to64Map_from_float64_buffer
keys = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4], dtype=np.int64)
vals = np.array([5, 6, 7, 8], dtype=np.float64)
my_map = Int64to64Map_from_float64_buffer(keys, vals) # there will be no reallocation
assert my_map[4] == 8.0

Python: Creating int64->int64 map from scratch:

import numpy as np
from cykhash import Int64to64Map
# my_map will not need reallocation for at least 12 elements and
# values are int64 (another possibility is for_int=False, meas for float64
my_map = Int64to64Map(number_of_elements_hint=12, for_int=True)
for i in range(12):
    my_map[i] = i+1
assert my_map[5] == 6


Python: Creating look-up data structure from a numpy-array, performing isin-query

import numpy as np
from cykhash import Int64Set_from_buffer, isin_int64
a = np.arange(42, dtype=np.int64)
lookup = Int64Set_from_buffer(a)

b = np.arange(84, dtype=np.int64)
result = np.empty(b.size, dtype=np.bool)

isin_int64(b, lookup, result)    # running time O(b.size)
assert np.sum(result.astype(np.int))==42


Python: using unique_int64:

import numpy as np
from cykhash import unique_int64
a = np.array([1,2,3,3,2,1], dtype=np.int64)
u = np.ctypeslib.as_array(unique_int64(a)) # there will be no reallocation
print(u) # [1,2,3] or any permutation of it

Python: using unique_stable_int64:

import numpy as np
from cykhash import unique_stable_int64
a = np.array([3,2,1,1,2,3], dtype=np.int64)
u = np.ctypeslib.as_array(unique_stable_int64(a)) # there will be no reallocation
print(u) # [3,2,1] 


See (https://github.com/realead/cykhash/blob/master/doc/README_API.md) for a more detailed API description.


See (https://github.com/realead/cykhash/blob/master/doc/README_PERFORMANCE.md) for results of performance tests.



Release 1.0.2 (30.05.2020):

  • can be install via conda-forge to all operating systems
  • can be installed via pip in a clean environment (Cython>=0.18 is now fetched automatically)

Release 1.0.1 (27.05.2020):

  • released on PyPi


  • 0.4.0: uniques_stable, preparing for release
  • 0.3.0: PyObjectSet, Maps for Int64/32 and also Float64/32, unique-versions
  • 0.2.0: Int32Set, Float64Set, Float32Set
  • 0.1.0: Int64Set