

  • SonarQube version 5.6 or higher
  • SonarXML (plug-in installed on SonarQube) version 1.4.2 or higher
  • In case of Java source code: Maven version 3.0 or higher or Gradle version 5.0 or higher

Installation guide

Installing the plug-in.

  1. Shutdown your SonarQube instance.
  2. Download the latest version of the plug-in from the versions folder.
  3. Move the downloaded jar to the extensions/plugins folder of your SonarQube installation.
  4. Start SonarQube.

Adding the Husacct rules to your quality profile within SonarQube

  1. Login with permissions to change or add quality profiles.
  2. Navigate to the quality profile page
  3. Click on the arrow next to the quality profile you want to add the rules to.
  4. Select activate more rules.
  5. Select the Repository HUSACCT. This will filter away all other inactive rules.
  6. Do a bulk change and select "activate in ".
  7. The plug-in will now run with each project that uses this profile.

Running a scan with Husacct


  1. Make sure you don't have the SonarQube paramater "sonar.language" set to cs. Otherwise, SonarQube will ignore all XML files.
  2. Create a file called "".
  3. Create an element called "workspacePath" with the name of your husacct sac file inside. (example: workspace.xml)
  4. Run the sonar-scanner.

Java (with Maven)

  1. Place the HUSACCT workspace into your src/main/java folder
  2. Make sure you don't have the SonarQube paramater "sonar.language" set to java. Otherwise, SonarQube will ignore all XML files.
  3. Add a property to pom.xml with the path to the workspace file (relative to src/main/java). If your workspace is located at src/main/java/workspace.xml
  1. Add the SonarQube maven plugin
  2. Run the following command to start the scan: mvn sonar:sonar

Java (with Gradle)

  1. Place the HUSACCT workspace into your src/main/java folder
  2. Make sure you don't have the SonarQube paramater "sonar.language" set to java. Otherwise, SonarQube will ignore all XML files.
  3. Add the SonarQube gradle plugin
  4. Add a property to the build.gradle SonarQube plugin with the path to the workspace file (relative to src/main/java). If your workspace is located at src/main/java/workspace.xml
sonarqube {
    properties {
        property 'sonar.husacct.workspacePath', 'workspace.xml'
  1. Run the following command to start the scan: gradle sonarqube