
Run error

Opened this issue · 11 comments

Sorry to interrupt again, I used the pre-trained model you provided to run and the following error occurred:
InvalidArgumentError (see above for traceback): RasterizeTriangles expects vertices to have shape (-1, 3).
[[node render/map/while/RasterizeTriangles (defined at /home/zx/Pan/3D-Facial-Priors/3Dface_priors/ = RasterizeTriangles[image_height=224, image_width=224, _device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0"](render/map/while/strided_slice, render/map/while/RasterizeTriangles/Enter)]]
My tensorflow version is 1.12.0, ubuntu16.4 system. Request guidance, thank you.

Thanks for your attention. the version of tensorflow is 1.4.1. You can downgrade your version.

@HUuxiaobin I adjusted tensorflow version 1.4.1, but an error was reported when running tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.NotFoundError: ./faceReconstruction/mesh_render/ undefined symbol: _ZN10tensorflow15OpKernelStatusEtxFailureEPKciRK

When I compile with the method in the tf_mesh_renderer_installation.txt file, I keep getting errors. The file you provided, when I used it directly, I also reported an error saying that this file could not be found. I ask for your guidance, I really appreciate it. This is my WeChat account: TREAY_SURE, I look forward to it if you are willing to communicate with me.

@HUuxiaobin I adjusted tensorflow version 1.4.1, but an error was reported when running tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.NotFoundError: ./faceReconstruction/mesh_render/ undefined symbol: _ZN10tensorflow15OpKernelStatusEtxFailureEPKciRK

When I compile with the method in the tf_mesh_renderer_installation.txt file, I keep getting errors. The file you provided, when I used it directly, I also reported an error saying that this file could not be found. I ask for your guidance, I really appreciate it. This is my WeChat account: TREAY_SURE, I look forward to it if you are willing to communicate with me.

Thanks for your feedback. Unpredictable error occurred. There is one solution:
To get our /3Dface_priors/faceReconstruction/, please download from google driver

@HUuxiaobin Thank you for the resources provided, is ready to run .

@HUuxiaobin Thank you! I've run the code successfully.

I am using tensorflow version 1.4.1. Downloaded the faceReconstruction file from the google drive and placed it in the 3Dface_prior folder. Still getting this error:
NotFoundError: ./faceReconstruction/mesh_render/ undefined symbol: _ZN10tensorflow15OpKernelContext10CtxFailureEPKciRKNS_6StatusE
Please help me with this. Thank you

I am using tensorflow version 1.4.1. Downloaded the faceReconstruction file from the google drive and placed it in the 3Dface_prior folder. Still getting this error:
NotFoundError: ./faceReconstruction/mesh_render/ undefined symbol: _ZN10tensorflow15OpKernelContext10CtxFailureEPKciRKNS_6StatusE
Please help me with this. Thank you

Have you solved this quetion? I have the same problem.

byf01 commented

I am using tensorflow version 1.4.1. Downloaded the faceReconstruction file from the google drive and placed it in the 3Dface_prior folder. Still getting this error: NotFoundError: ./faceReconstruction/mesh_render/ undefined symbol: _ZN10tensorflow15OpKernelContext10CtxFailureEPKciRKNS_6StatusE Please help me with this. Thank you

Could you tell me how you solved the problem of "undefined symbol: "