
Primary LanguageJavaScript

DaoNho socail web app

Key Features

  • Create and login account, multiple user registration.
  • Create and post status
  • Follow and unfollow peple
  • Like and unlike post
  • Home page, new feed and profile page

Technologies used

This project was created using the following technologies.


  • React JS
  • React-router-dom (To handle routing)
  • Axios (for making api calls)
  • Material UI & CSS Module (for User Interface)


  • Express
  • Mongoose
  • bcrypt (for password encryption)


MongoDB (MongoDB Atlas)

Configuration and Setup

In order to run this project locally, simply fork and clone the repository or download as zip and unzip on your machine.

  • Open the project in your prefered code editor.
  • Go to terminal -> New terminal (If you are using VS code)
  • Split your terminal into two (run the client on one terminal and the server on the other terminal)

In the first terminal

  • cd client and create a .env file in the root of your client directory and copy below scrip in this file.
REACT_APP_PUBLIC_FORDER = http://localhost:3000/assets/

  • Run client:
$ cd client
$ npm install (to install client-side dependencies)
$ npm start (to start the client)

In the second terminal

  • cd server and create a .env file in the root of your client directory and copy below scrip in this file.
MONGO_URL = mongodb+srv://hung:Hung2711@cluster0.l06gy.mongodb.net/myFirstDatabase?retryWrites=true&w=majority

  • Run server:
$ cd server
$ npm install (to install server-side dependencies)
& npm start (to start the server)