Health Oracle 🗒️ 💊


Details :

Team Name: Innovation Redefined

Team member details:

Member 1:

Name : Harshavardhan Bajoria

Country of Residence : India

College Name : Amity University Kolkata

Graduation Year: 2024

Experience Level : Student

Member 2:

Name : Soumya Upadhyay

Country of Residence : India

College Name : Techno India University

Graduation Year: 2025

Experience Level : Student

Problem Statement:

Millions of individuals lack timely access to accurate and affordable healthcare, leading to delayed diagnoses and potentially worse health outcomes. Existing medical imaging diagnosis relies heavily on specialist interpretation, creating bottlenecks and access limitations. Patients often lack comprehensive information about their potential conditions, adding to confusion and anxiety.

The current healthcare system faces critical challenges:

  • Limited access to specialists: Long wait times for specialist appointments delay diagnosis and treatment, especially in underserved communities.
  • Information asymmetry: Patients often lack clear and accessible information about potential health issues, leading to confusion and anxiety.
  • Reactive diagnoses: Traditional healthcare focuses on diagnosing illness after symptoms appear, hindering preventive measures.

We need a revolutionary solution that empowers individuals to proactively manage their health and bridge the gap between patients and specialists.

  • Provides self-service health assessments using easily accessible scans (kidney, brain, lung) and AI-powered analysis for early detection of potential abnormalities (cysts, stones, tumors, tuberculosis).
  • Empowers individuals with readily understandable information on potential causes, symptoms, and treatment options for identified conditions.
  • Offers an AI medical assistant for guidance and clarification, reducing reliance on specialist consultations for initial assessments.
  • Facilitates direct booking of appointments with healthcare professionals for confirmed diagnosis and follow-up care.

Solution: 💡

The above factors contribute to delayed interventions, anxiety, and potential worsening of health outcomes. Health Oracle emerges as a groundbreaking solution, empowering individuals to take charge of their health through a user-centric, AI-powered application.

Key Features
  1. Self-service Health Assessments:

    • Kidney Lens: Upload CT scan and receive AI analysis for potential abnormalities (cysts, stones, tumors). Access information on causes, symptoms, and treatment options.
    • Brain Lens: Upload MRI scan and receive AI analysis for tumor presence and type (gliomas, meningiomas). View comprehensive explanations and resources.
    • Lung Lens: Upload CT scan and receive AI analysis for various lung cancers (squamous cell, large cell, adenocarcinoma). Understand potential causes, symptoms, and treatment options.
    • Tuberculosis Teller: Upload Chest X-ray and receive AI analysis for tuberculosis detection. Access clear results and relevant information to seek professional confirmation and treatment.
  2. Accessible Information and Resources:

    • Each analysis page provides comprehensive explanations of potential conditions, including causes, symptoms, and treatment options.
    • Informative links offer further resources for deeper understanding and informed decision-making.
  3. AI Medical Assistant and Doctor Booking:

    • Receive clarifications and answers to queries through an AI medical assistant.
    • Facilitate seamless transition from self-assessment to confirmed diagnosis and treatment by booking appointments with relevant healthcare professionals.

Health Oracle is a paradigm shift in healthcare, placing the power of AI-powered assessments and accessible information in the hands of individuals. It paves the way for a future where proactive health management and informed decision-making become the norm, revolutionizing the landscape by empowering individuals and bridging the gap between patients and specialists.

Tech Stack:

The following tech stacks have been used to create the application and deploy it.

  • Streamlit to build the front end of the application.
  • Streamlit Cloud to deploy the application for global access.
  • Microsoft Azure AI Custom Vision to get a computer vision model trained using our dataset and use it to predict different illnesses with the patient's scan.
  • Microsoft Azure Logic App to send emails to the patient, doctor on appointment booking.
  • Cloudflare AI workflow to build the medical assistant AI chat bot which helps the user know more details about illness.
  • Kintone to securely store and fetch doctor’s data from the App. It also allows us to get various views and insights about our doctors.
  • TinyMCE to allow the user to send a customize message to the doctor with the help of rich text editor (under development)
  • GitHub to host the source code, use the version control (collaboration history) to understand the changes, and go back and forth if required to complete the software. Also, GitHub Codespaces which allows us with in-browser VS code for quick and easy building and deployment of the software.



Demo Video Link 🎥 :

Social Impact / Novelty:

Health Oracle, beyond its technological prowess, stands as a catalyst for social change within the healthcare landscape. Its impact stems from a potent blend of features:

Democratizing Access to Healthcare

  • Bridging the Specialist Gap: By deploying AI-powered analyses and information resources, Health Oracle alleviates the strain on specialist consultations, particularly in underserved communities where access is scarce.
  • Early Detection and Intervention: Empowering individuals with self-service assessments and readily available information enables earlier detection of potential health issues, facilitating timely interventions and potentially improved health outcomes.
  • Proactive Health Management: The application incentivizes preventive healthcare through its emphasis on early detection and accessible information, encouraging individuals to take an active role in their well-being.

Empowering Individuals

  • Patient-Centric Approach: Health Oracle places the power of knowledge and self-assessment directly in the hands of individuals, fostering a sense of autonomy and control over their health journey.
  • Reduced Anxiety and Confusion: Clear and accessible information on potential conditions alleviates the anxiety and confusion often associated with navigating the complex healthcare system.
  • Informed Decision-Making: By equipping individuals with knowledge and resources, Health Oracle empowers them to make informed decisions about their health and engage more actively with healthcare professionals.

Novelty and Technological Advancement

  • AI-Powered Analysis: Utilizing cutting-edge AI technology for medical image analysis represents a significant advancement in healthcare, offering faster and potentially more accurate initial assessments.
  • Accessible Self-Service Platform: The user-friendly interface and self-service nature of the application democratize access to healthcare information and assessments, breaking down traditional barriers.
  • Integration with Existing Healthcare Infrastructure: The seamless integration with doctor booking and follow-up care ensures a holistic approach to patient management, bridging the gap between AI assessments and human expertise.

In conclusion, Health Oracle's social impact and novelty lie in its ability to empower individuals, democratize access to healthcare information, and drive preventive healthcare measures through its innovative AI-powered platform. This groundbreaking application holds the potential to revolutionize the healthcare landscape by placing the focus on patient-centric, proactive, and informed healthcare experiences.

Future Scope:

Health Oracle has already established itself as a pioneer in patient-centric healthcare, offering self-assessment tools and invaluable information. But our journey continues, brimming with potential to further empower individuals and bridge the gap between patients and doctors. Here's a glimpse into Health Oracle's exciting future:

Top Priority: Completing TinyMCE Integration:

  • Connecting with Azure Logic Apps: We're diligently working on sending securely formatted TinyMCE data to Azure Logic Apps. This seamless connection will bridge the gap between patient messages and email delivery to doctors, ensuring clear and timely communication.
  • Prioritizing patient communication: By prioritizing this aspect of future development, we empower patients to voice their concerns and seek clarification from their physicians, leading to a more informed and collaborative healthcare experience.

Advanced AI Analysis:

  • Expanding disease detection scope: We envision incorporating increasingly sophisticated AI algorithms to broaden the range of health conditions Health Oracle can assess. This includes integrating modules for early detection of various cancers, chronic diseases, and even mental health concerns.
  • Personalized information delivery: With advanced natural language processing, we can analyze medical reports and tailor information delivery to each patient's unique needs and health context. This personalized approach ensures that users receive the most relevant and actionable insights.
  • Predictive healthcare potential: By developing AI-powered predictive models, Health Oracle can identify potential health risks before they turn into major problems. This empowers individuals to proactively adopt preventive measures and maintain optimal health.

Enhanced User Experience:

  • Wearable and sensor integration: We imagine a future where Health Oracle seamlessly integrates with wearables and medical sensors. This real-time data stream allows for continuous health monitoring, providing valuable feedback and insights to both patients and their healthcare providers.
  • Gamified wellness incentives: Incorporating gamified elements can motivate users to adopt healthy habits, including medication adherence and regular exercise. By making health an engaging and rewarding experience, we encourage proactive health management.
  • Multilingual accessibility: Expanding language support through a multilingual platform allows Health Oracle to cater to diverse communities and break down language barriers. This global outreach fosters inclusion and ensures equal access to vital healthcare information and tools.

Improved Communication and Care Coordination:

  • Electronic health record (EHR) integration: Implementing seamless integration with EHR systems facilitates comprehensive data sharing between Health Oracle and healthcare professionals. This collaborative approach ensures informed care decisions and continuity of treatment.
  • Secure patient-doctor communication: Beyond TinyMCE's email integration, we can explore secure messaging platforms within the Health Oracle interface. This allows for direct communication between patients and doctors, fostering trust and facilitating prompt attention to concerns.
  • Collaborative platform for healthcare professionals: We envision a secure platform where healthcare professionals can consult and share insights on complex cases. This collaborative approach leverages collective expertise, leading to improved diagnosis and treatment strategies for patients.

Global Outreach and Social Impact:

  • Catering to underserved communities: By adapting Health Oracle to address culturally specific health concerns and resource limitations in underserved regions, we can significantly impact global health equity. This includes localized information, culturally appropriate interfaces, and partnerships with local healthcare organizations.
  • Partnering for preventive healthcare initiatives: Collaborating with public health organizations allows Health Oracle to contribute to preventative healthcare campaigns and early detection initiatives. This collective effort has the potential to significantly improve health outcomes on a global scale.
  • Global health research contribution: Anonymized data analysis from Health Oracle can contribute valuable insights to global health research. This includes identifying emerging health trends, predicting outbreaks, and informing the development of new diagnostics and treatments.

Health Oracle's future is brimming with possibilities for empowering individuals, enhancing communication, and revolutionizing healthcare access. By prioritizing seamless TinyMCE integration, exploring advanced AI, and nurturing user experience, we can pave the way for a healthier future for all.

Build with ❤️ by Harshavardhan & Soumya