
School of Code - week 9 project, mood tracker

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Week 9 SoC project

Deployed here: https://soc-moodtracker.netlify.app/

4 person team making MVP app in 5 days; 1 day of planning, 3 coding and 1 day finalising / making presentation to judges.

Our team chose to make a "Mood Tracker" for bootcampers to record how they felt over the course of the bootcamp.


Biggest Challenges

  • Git Branching
  • First deployment
  • CORs (.env)
  • Use of UseEffect vs functions running onClick

Things we would do differently

  • Use Disney ideation
  • More user research and checking in during development with the users
  • Split into separate repos rather than monorepo
  • Test earlier
  • Develop for mobile first

Stretch Goals

  • Mobile responsive
  • Delete button for selected lines of table
  • Multi-user (OAuth?)
  • Way of marking progress on revision topics; router for another page display?
  • Multiple tables for more complex data
  • Change dropdown menu for mood to be a dynamic smiley face
  • Dashboard for coaches to view anonymous overall mood by Week/Day to judge how the cohort are doing mentally

National Bootcamp - Week Nine Project Brief

For your project, you’ll be using what you’ve learned on the course so far to try and improve the lives of your users. In this case, the users will be close to home: bootcampers!

To do this, you’ll need to take the time to understand your user (a bootcamper), their experiences, and their problems. What do they need? What problem might they have that your application could solve for them? How can you get into the mindset of your user and keep them at the centre of your problem-solving?

The high level outcomes from this project should be:

  • A minimum viable product (MVP) showcasing an innovative full stack application which meets the user need you’ve identified
  • A presentation, complete with how you worked as a team and a demonstration of the project

Your project application should:

  • Include a user experience created in React
  • Build a REST API which is used by your front-end
  • Be supported by a Postgresql database with multiple tables
  • Be built and managed in an agile way

Remember, you only have a few days to code a solution, so being agile is key. That means brainstorming what you want to build, and working in sprints to deliver value each time. After each sprint, you can reassess and either continue on course or iterate towards a better solution. Have a plan which is incremental steps, rather than all or nothing.