
revised version of east

Primary LanguageC++

EAST_v2 (revised version)

This code is revised from EAST, with some modifications, including data augmentation, ohem and so on. In post processing, a modified processing different from LANMS is implemented, with better result and shorted post-processing time.

Major Modifications:

  • data enhancement, including horizontal flip, random rotation, mutli-scale, and transpose.
  • hard negative pixel minining
  • much quicker geo map genneration,
  • quicker post genenration of quadaraticals
  • post processing algorithms.

More details can be found in codes.

How to use this code

Almost all params are configed in config.py, modify the corresponding params by your own setting.

Training: python multigpu_trian.py

Testing: python test.py

More infomation