Git Survival Guide

Most git commands should be executed at the base directory of a repo, I.e. where the .git folder is.

New Repositories

Git global setup

git config --global "Arhtur Dent"
git config --global ""

Create a new empty repository

git clone
cd TestRepo
git add
git commit -m "add README"
git push -u origin master

Create repository from existing folder

cd existing_folder
git init
git remote add origin
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git push -u origin master

Push new local folder to existing empty repository

cd existing_repo
git remote add origin
git push -u origin --all
git push -u origin --tags

Checking In

Check in all pending changes

git add .
git commit -m "some clever comment"

Push local changes to remote

git push -u origin master

Pull remote changes to local

git pull origin

Check in all pending changes

git add .
git commit -m "some clever comment"

"Undo checkout" on a single file

git checkout -- filename

Undo all local uncommitted changes

git checkout .

Undo last commit

...and move back into staging.

git reset --soft HEAD^


List local and remote branches

git branch -a

Create a branch and switch to it

git checkout -b myBranch
-- same as –
git branch myBranch	# creates a branch
git checkout myBranch	# switches to it

Switch to a branch

Make sure you don’t have any uncommited changes, and then do:

git checkout myBranch

List remotes

git remote -v


Preferred over merging. This will make changes to your target branch only.

First make sure that your master is up to date:

git checkout master
git pull origin

Then make sure that your target branch is ready for rebasing:

git checkout targetBranch

Now there are two options
Option 1:

<add/commit all changes>

Option 2:

git stash

Then, on the target branch, perform the rebase:

git rebase master

If you opted for Option2

git stash pop

Merge branches

Switch to the target branch:

git checkout master

Then do the merge:

git merge myBranch

Delete branch

git branch -d myBranch

Rename branch

While in other branch:

git branch -m oldname newname

Rename the current branch:

git branch -m newname

Update fork to current state

git clone 
git remote add upstream git:// 
git fetch upstream 
git rebase upstream/master 

Save work for later without committing

git stash

Oh no! I changed to much, this should really be a new branch!

git stash
git stash branch myNewBranch

Resolve Merge Conflicts

git checkout --theirs myFile


git checkout --ours myFile

or edit file in editor then

git add myFile


git rm myFile

Abort Merge

git merge --abort

Squash commits

Two ways of doing this

git rebase -i <after-this-commit>

and replace "pick" on the second and subsequent commits with "squash" or "fixup", as described in the manual.

In this example, is either the SHA1 hash or the relative location from the HEAD of the current branch from which commits are analyzed for the rebase command. For example, if the user wishes to view 5 commits from the current HEAD in the past the command is

git rebase -i HEAD~5.  

Credit StackOverflow
Second way of doing this
You can do this fairly easily without git rebase or git merge --squash. In this example, we'll squash the last 3 commits.

If you want to write the new commit message from scratch, this suffices:

git reset --soft HEAD~3 &&
git commit

If you want to start editing the new commit message with a concatenation of the existing commit messages (i.e. similar to what a pick/squash/squash/…/squash git rebase -i instruction list would start you with), then you need to extract those messages and pass them to git commit:

git reset --soft HEAD~3 && 
git commit --edit -m"$(git log --format=%B --reverse HEAD..HEAD@{1})"

Both of those methods squash the last three commits into a single new commit in the same way. The soft reset just re-points HEAD to the last commit that you do not want to squash. Neither the index nor the working tree are touched by the soft reset, leaving the index in the desired state for your new commit (i.e. it already has all the changes from the commits that you are about to “throw away”). Credit StackOverflow

Prune remote branches

This command deletes remote tracking branches that don't exist anymore on the remote. To see which branches would be deleted:

git remote prune --dry-run origin

To actually prune the branches:

git remote prune origin


List Tags

git tag

Create Tag

git tag -a v1.4 -m "my version 1.4"     # Annotated tag
git tag v1.4-lw                         # Lightweight tag

Checkout Tag

git checkout v1.4       # For viewing
git checkout -b v1.4.1  # ...branch v1.4 tagged source into new branch v1.4.1

Or, all in one command:

git checkout -b v1.4.1 v1.4     # check out source with tag v1.4 and create new branch v1.4.1


Show history of a file

git log -- <filename>

Get old version of a file

git cat-file -p <sha1>:./file.tex > wherever.tex