
Crawl HDX to find resources that link to the HXL Proxy.

Primary LanguagePythonThe UnlicenseUnlicense

Find HXL Proxy resources on HDX

This script will crawl the Humanitarian Data Exchange (HDX) and identify all public resources that have links to the #HXL Proxy


Using the Makefile will create a Python3 virtual environment automatically. If you wish to do it manually, use the following commands:

python3 -m venv venv pip3 install -r requirements.txt


Output will appear in output/hxl-proxy-resources.csv and output/hxl-proxy-recipes.csv

Initial run

make run


make clean run

Output format


The output is a #HXL-tagged CSV file with the following columns:

Header #HXL hashtag Description
Org #org+provider The unique short name for the provider org on HDX.
Dataset #x_dataset The unique short name for the dataset on HDX.
Resource #x_resource The unique identifier for the resource on HDX.
State #status The status of the dataset (e.g. "active").
URL #meta+url The #HXL Proxy URL for the resource contents.


The output is a #HXL-tagged CSV file with the following columns:

Header #HXL hashtag Description
Recipe #x_recipe_url The base URL of the HXL Proxy saved recipe.
Count #meta+count The number of times the recipe is used in HDX resources.