Python support library for the Humanitarian Exchange Language (HXL) data standard.
- alrobinson86
- altvuAltVu Cnstrcts
- andrewbraye
- armarvin
- BrentophillipsHumanitarian AI
- cobismithAustralia
- davidhuserLucerne University of Applied Sciences
- dirkschumacherIndependent
- dorey
- ewheeler
- fititnt@EticaAI @alligo
- geraldb
- heatheryager@MITLibraries
- igorbrigadirInsight Centre for Data Analytics
- J535D165Utrecht University
- killthekitten
- kneckinator@newlogic
- luiscape@modal-labs
- markschaverWashington, D.C.
- mbergOna
- Midnighter@UnseenBio
- NontasPap
- obestwalter@Avira
- olaroslingGapminder Foundation
- pm5@g0v
- reubano@nerevu
- rollDatist
- samuelestabrook
- siemvaessenZimmerman BV
- Simo-climbCapsifi
- SimonbJohnson
- sl0ccaa
- terramackinnonVancouver, Canada
- timothylclarkSparta Science
- trendspotter
- workroommedia