Dongtai IAST is an open-source Interactive Application Security Testing (IAST) tool that enables real-time detection of common vulnerabilities in Java applications and third-party components through passive instrumentation. It is particularly suitable for use in the testing phase of the development pipeline.
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[Bug]: 接口502
#1474 opened by ifyoudo - 0
#1951 opened by olddriver-1 - 1
[Bug]: 1.15.0的版本,界面没有扫描策略进行选择,而且进去的组件是空的,之前安装低版本1.8.3都有
#1949 opened by fanky357 - 3
- 0
新增的Agent 安装状态全部离线
#1947 opened by fanky357 - 0
[Bug]: agent总数3列表为空
#1946 opened by rr41ns - 0
[Bug]: 1.16.0下载java-agent报错
#1945 opened by Kgg-moon - 4
#1670 opened by PhuketIsland - 0
[Bug]: 1.15.0管理控制台没有熔断设置和查询 Agent 日志功能
#1908 opened by johnniesong - 0
[Feature]: 能使用docker自己构建镜像
#1942 opened by risuxx - 7
- 1
[Bug]: dongtai-server启动报错
#1940 opened by zhansc - 1
[Bug]: 使用docker-compose快速部署server端失败
#1936 opened by ReDistant - 0
springboot3.x 下openfeign调用400
#1935 opened by Mayezi - 0
[Bug]: logservice fails to send the message and throw a time out error after dongtai-server is restarted
#1934 opened by zzzskd - 2
[Bug]: agent 管理不显示agent详情,如何解决,见图
#1904 opened by sec-u - 2
[Bug]: WSL2下的洞态无法使用
#1905 opened by YYHYlh - 1
[Bug]: agent无法拉取规则报错 20111 load policy failed
#1907 opened by qqgirllianxin - 1
[Bug]: k8s部署方式怎么升级到1.15版本
#1871 opened by PhuketIsland - 1
[Bug]: curl: (7) Failed to connect to 2a03:2880:f10a:83:face:b00c:0:25de: Network is unreachable
#1473 opened by CrazyDave619 - 2
[Bug]: Error response from daemon: manifest for registry.cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/huoxian_pub/dongtai-mysql:1.16.0 not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknown
#1894 opened by johnniesong - 3
[Bug]: curl: (7) Failed to connect to registry.hub.docker.com port 443 after 21057 ms: Couldn't connect to server
#1770 opened by h4ckerme - 0
[BUG] XXEChecker对Unmarshaller无效
#1912 opened by RTxin - 12
[Bug]: Server constantly restarting after installation using docker-compose
#1850 opened by dawid-czarnecki - 1
[Bug]: 创建项目时返回Parameter error
#1900 opened by johnniesong - 1
[Bug]: java agent安装后,安装状态只有部分数据,请求漏洞地址后没有相关数据产生
#1901 opened by johnniesong - 5
[Bug]: Failed to connect to registry.hub.docker.com port 443: Connection timed out
#1459 opened by maya6 - 1
- 2
[Bug]: 升级到1.14版本后登录页面获取验证码的请求报错
#1774 opened by zzpzzpzzp - 5
[Bug]: Redis密码如果含有#号会导致报错
#1765 opened by 2nfree - 1
[Bug]: /dtctl install can't finish
#1758 opened by JrDw0 - 6
[Bug]: 多选几个条件,6s后查询还未返回结果就显示504了
#1676 opened by PhuketIsland - 1
[Bug]: iast_agent_method_pool占用量太大了,考虑优化下么?
#1571 opened by zhulaohei - 0
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[Bug]: 更新到1.12版本之后cpu,内存使用率都没有了
#1549 opened by PhuketIsland - 3
[Bug]: 项目漏洞里面的组件漏洞报错504
#1516 opened by PhuketIsland - 1
- 0
Java Agent 日志中反复报告 2023-05-24 13:36:55 [io.dongtai.iast.agent] [INFO] performance fallback state change to PAUSED 2023-05-24 13:36:55 [io.dongtai.iast.agent] [INFO] performance is over max threshold! metrics:{"metricsKey":"CPU_USAGE","collectDate":"2023-05-24 13:36:55","metricsValue":{"cpuUsagePercentage":86.41581632653062}}
#1466 opened by OneFz - 3
[Bug]: 洞态和xray联动,配置好代理之后显示证书问题
#1439 opened by PhuketIsland - 1
[Bug]: 组件模块无法关联组件漏洞信息以及安全版本
#1295 opened by cypwnpwnsocute - 0
[Bug]: php8.1 agent
#1322 opened by holychang - 1
#1301 opened by wowo233 - 1
[Bug]: 洞态的logstash一直处于restating状态
#1195 opened by niupeng1993 - 6
[Bug]: 洞态的logstash反复重启
#1188 opened by wowo233 - 0
[Bug]: 漏洞详情——污点流图——多污点来源显示是否存在问题·
#1184 opened by Bmebme - 7
[Bug]: 1.9.2版本agent注册不上去。
#1180 opened by wowo233 - 8
[Bug]: agent持续增多。容器都下线了。agent状态依然是在线
#1147 opened by wowo233 - 1
[Bug]: 清理配置crontab不生效
#1137 opened by Belee05 - 1
[Bug]: k8s部署的agent服务当中没有使用GPU。但server端显示了GPU使用。
#1136 opened by wowo233 - 1
[Bug]: Centos docker挂载盘无法写入
#1109 opened by qiaoqiaoxz