Decoupling Localization and Classification in Single Shot Temporal Action Detection
- 5
how to deal with short videos
#19 opened by jalaxy33 - 2
- 2
question about extract feature
#25 opened by mrlihellohorld - 3
Restoring from checkpoint failed
#24 opened by mrlihellohorld - 5
evaluation on partial test set
#23 opened by rahman-mdatiqur - 1
about GPU memory
#21 opened by xianguo-dev - 9
- 8
about thomous featrue?
#22 opened by leemengxing - 2
how to train based other dataset?
#10 opened by wqqLuke - 2
Could you provide feature on ActivityNet?
#20 opened by shadowclouds - 4
About the overlap loss
#15 opened by dagongji10 - 2
About mAp
#18 opened by shadowclouds - 4
- 2
- 8
post_processing the results
#14 opened by rahman-mdatiqur - 5
Matching the default anchors with gt
#11 opened by rahman-mdatiqur - 2
Post-processing of the detections
#12 opened by rahman-mdatiqur - 7
Performance on ActivityNet?
#2 opened by jiujing23333 - 3
Some problems about window_info
#9 opened by dagongji10 - 1
- 2
Inconsistency: about reg loss
#7 opened by Rheelt - 3
Using different dataset
#6 opened by sanjitjain2 - 5
- 1
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window size of activitynet
#3 opened by 666zcli - 5
Question about extract_feature.py
#1 opened by Sy-Zhang