
Project for Cooper Union's Data Structures and Algorithms class, ECE264, taken Fall 2019 with Prof. Sable

Primary LanguageC++

Hadassah Yanofsky Data Structures and Algorithms 1 - Fall 2019 Cooper Union

The program sorts the nodes of a linked list. The program will load data from an input file specified by the user and create a linked list of pointers to data objects using the provided C++ list class. Each data object will consist of three C++ string fields which store the last name, first name, and social security number (ssn) of a hypothetical person. After creating the list, the program will sort the list. Items should be sorted according to last names; if last names are identical, they should be sorted according to first names; if both last and first names are identical, they should be sorted according to ssns (which are guaranteed to be unique). The sorted list will then be written to an output file.