Deconstructing and rebuilding a Google Search results page using Git and GitHub.
- Used HTML5 semantic elements header, nav, main and footer for clearer structure and better readability.
- Used div, a, img, form, input, button, svg, p, table, tr, td, span and headings tags.
- Used href, title, src, alt, type, viewBox, value, role, fill, cx, cy, r and aria-label attributes.
- Used normalize and css reset by given Elad Shechter's example.
- Used CSS Grid for header, main and footer layouts.
- Used CSS Flexbox for navigation, search bar and related searches layouts.
Project was from The Odin Project curriculum (removed).
- Got comfortable enough to work with Git commands and GitHub platform.
- Improved usage of browser developer tools, such as DOM explorer and CSS editor.
- Improved files organization.
- Deepened knowledge of HTML5 page structure.
- Improved commenting and code readability.
- Deepened understanding of CSS Grid and CSS Flexbox differences and usages.
- Learned some nuances with CSS pseudo classes, such as :hover and :visited.
- Had lots of fun! 😊