EasyScreenCast is a simple extension of a gnome 3 shell DE
Copyright (C) 2013-14-15 Borsato Ivano.
##License Info EasyScreenCast is free software distributed under the GNU GPL. All files are under GPL v3. read > COPYING < for more infomation about license.
##How to install there are a few thing to do, open a terminal and enter:
1-download from github last version
git clone https://github.com/iacopodeenosee/EasyScreenCast
2-move the entire directory to gnome shell extension home
mv EasyScreenCast ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/EasyScreenCast@iacopodeenosee.gmail.com
##Translation If you want to help with translation in your language, just follow these simple step:
1 - Create a new folders for the translations(if NOT exist), where $lang is a code language [https://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/manual/html_node/Usual-Language-Codes.html#Usual-Language-Codes]
mkdir -p locale/$lang/LC_MESSAGES
2 - Translate the string with the program Poedit by using a .pot files (locale/messages.pot)
3 - Save these files in the same directory of .pot files, use the code language for the name of them (locale/$lang.po)
4 - Convert in binary these .po files, where $lang is a code language, with these command:
msgfmt /locale/$lang.po -o locale/$lang/LC_MESSAGES/EasyScreenCast@iacopodeenosee.gmail.com.mo