
A modern SaaS template built on Fresh.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Deno SaaSKit

Warning: this project is in beta. Design, workflows and user accounts are subject to change.

Deno SaaSKit is an open-sourced, highly performant template for building your SaaS quickly and easily. This template ships with these foundational features that every SaaS needs:

  • User accounts
  • User creation flows
  • Landing page
  • Pricing section
  • Sign-in and session management
  • Billing integration via Stripe
  • Gated API endpoints

Deno SaaSKit is built on Fresh and Deno, which means you get these awesome technical features:

  • Native TypeScript support
  • No build step
  • Server-side rendering and islands architecture
  • Built-in robust tooling, such as a formatter, linter, and test runner
  • npm specifiers

Join our Discord to ask questions, learn how to contribute, and meet other developers using Deno SaaSKit.

Have feedback? Let us know in the issues.

Want to know where Deno SaaSKit is headed? Check out our public roadmap.

Read more about Deno SaaSkit from our announcement blog post.

View the Deno SaaSKit demo.


Getting started with Deno SaaSKit is straightforward.

Create .env file

You can copy the .example.env into .env

cp .example.env .env

The only variables you need are:


Continue below to learn where to grab these keys.

Setup Supabase

This project uses Supabase for handling authentication strategies, as well as data storage for the product itself, which is a simple To-Do list app.

You can get started with Supabase in local development mode using the Supabase CLI.

npx supabase start

Once ready, you can create a Supabase account and then create a new Supabase project.

Once your project is created, you can grab your SUPABASE_URL and SUPABASE_ANON_KEY from Settings > API.

Create a todos table

Deno SaaSKit defaults to a simple To-Do list app to illustrate how authenticated API routes can be created. Of course, you can choose to build whatever app you'd like.

But to get this Deno SaaSKit template to work, we'll create a todos table in the Supabase Dashboard.

  • Go to Databases > Tables
  • Click New Table
  • Enter the name as todos and check Enable Row Level Security (RLS)
  • Configure the following columns:
Name Type Default value Primary
id uuid uuid_generate_v4() true
name text NULL false
user_id uuid auth.uid() false

We want the user_id column to link back to our Supabase Auth users, this is what allows us to write security policies to restrict access to the data based on the authenticated user. To set up this reference, click the link symbol next to the user_id column name, select schema auth, table users, and column id. Now the user_id will link back to a user object in Supabase Auth.

You can also keep the column created_at if you'd like.

Hit save and then your table should be created.

Create a customers table

  • Go to Database > Tables
  • Click New Table
  • Enter the name as customers and check Enable Row Level Security (RLS)
  • Configure the following columns:
Name Type Default value Primary
user_id uuid auth.uid() true
stripe_customer_id text NULL false
is_subscribed bool false false
  • Click the link symbol next to the user_id column name, select schema auth, table users, and column id. Now the user_id will link back to a user object in Supabase Auth.

Automate Stripe subscription updates via Supabase

In Stripe, register a webhook endpoint by following this guide with the following values:

  • Endpoint URL = https://<SITE HOSTNAME>/api/subscription
  • Listen to Events on your account
  • Select events to listen to:
    • customer.subscription.created
    • customer.subscription.deleted

Setup authentication

Supabase Auth makes it simple to authenticate and authorize users through a variety of authentication strategies.

Deno SaaSKit currently supports email, but we plan to add more strategies going forward.

To setup Supabase Auth:

  • Go to Authentication > Providers > Email
  • Disable Confirm email
  • Back on the left-hand bar, under Configuration, click on Policies
  • Click New Policy on the customers table pane and then Create a policy from scratch
  • Enter the policy name as Enable all operations for users based on user_id
  • For Allowed operation, select All
  • For Target Roles select authenticated
  • Enter the USING expression as (auth.uid() = user_id)
  • Enter the WITH CHECK expression as (auth.uid() = user_id)
  • Click Review then Save policy
  • Repeat for the todos table pane

These steps enable using email with Supabase Auth and provide a simple authentication strategy restricting each user to only create, read, update, and delete their own data.

Setup Stripe

Currently, Deno SaaSKit uses Stripe for subscription billing. In the future, we are open to adding other payment processors.

To set up Stripe:

  • Create a Stripe account
  • Since upgrading to a paid tier will take you directly to Stripe's domain, we recommend setting up your branding on Stripe
  • Configure the Customer Portal settings. This is what your users will see when they add a credit card and upgrade.
  • Toggle on "Allow customers to update their payment methods"
  • Toggle on "Allow customers to update subscriptions"
  • Toggle on "Allow customers to cancel subscriptions"
  • Add relevant products and prices
  • Set up the required business information and links in your settings
  • Grab the STRIPE_SECRET_KEY, which is the secret key located at Developers > API Keys

Once you have all of this setup, you should be able to run Deno SaaSKit locally.

Running locally

You can start the project by running: And go to `localhost:8000`` on your browser.

Customizing Deno SaaSKit

This is a template to help you get started. Here is how you can tweak and update for your SaaS.

Update constants.ts

Feel free to update constants.ts with information that is relevant to your SaaS.

export const SITE_NAME = "Your SaaS";
export const SITE_DESCRIPTION = "Some details about your SaaS.";
export const AUTHENTICATED_REDIRECT_PATH = "/dashboard";
export const STRIPE_PREMIUM_PLAN_PRICE_ID = "price_1MPiEkD6QJts4RaYcp1SevPe";
export const FREE_PLAN_TODOS_LIMIT = 5;

The Stripe premium plan price id is the "API ID" of your Stripe product. If you do not set it to your own premium plan price id, Stripe will not be able to find the set product plan when it tries to upgrade the subscription from the account's subscription settings. So make sure you set STRIPE_PREMIUM_PLAN_PRICE_ID to the value found on the products page on Stripe using the API-ID.

Landing Page

The main landing page can be found at /routes/index.tsx and is composed of TSX components.

Login and Logout

All of the authentication logic is handled by Supabase Auth. All of the logic can be found in these locations:

  • /routes/api/*: All login and logout API functionalities are located here
  • /routes/signup.tsx, /routes/login/index.tsx, /routes/logout.ts: The pages that visitors see when signing up or logging in (logout.ts redirects the user to /)
  • /utils/supabase.ts: A wrapper function around Supabase client.


This template comes with a simple To-Do checklist app. All of the logic for that can be found:

  • /routes/dashboard/api/todo.ts: the API route to handle creating and deleting a "todo"
  • /routes/dashboard/todos.tsx: the actual To Dos page
  • /islands/TodoList.tsx: an island that offers interactivity when creating and deleting "todo"s, as well as with various helper functions for interfacing with /dashboard/api/todo
  • /utils/todos.ts: a set of helper functions to provide CRUD operations with Supabase's database


Billing is currently managed via Stripe. Here are locations where you can update Stripe logic:

  • /utils/stripe.ts: This helper function exports a Stripe client using the STRIPE_SECRET_KEY
  • /routes/dashboard/manage-subscription.ts: This API endpoint redirects the user to their subscription page on Stripe's domain via Stripe's client
  • /routes/dashboard/upgrade-subscription.ts: This API endpoint redirects the user to a page that shows an upgraded subscription tier based on STRIPE_PREMIUM_PLAN_PRICE_ID


SaaSKit also provides a markdown-based blog. There are three main directories to manage the blog. First, in routes/blog you will find the routes needed to serve the /blog page and the routes to your posts. These will be available at /blog/<slug>. The name of the slug will be taken from the file name. Speaking of posts and their filenames. These are located in data/posts. To add a new blog post, simply create a new markdown file in this directory. The following front matter attributes are supported out of the box

  • title (required)
  • published_at (optional) in YYYY-MM-DD format
  • summary (optional)

The third important file/directory is located in utils/posts.ts. There you will find the functions used to retrieve the data to create the post pages. The SaaSKit blog uses the styles provided by gfm.

The blog is based on the instructions in the blog post Building a Blog with Fresh. For more information about how the blog works, see the reference post.


  1. Set up the OAuth application for your given provider by following one of these guides.
  2. Configure your third-party provider in Supabase.
  3. Insert your OAuthLoginButton component in your login or signup page as follows, which has been done for GitHub. Note: you may need to create the provider icon, which can be done in components/Icons.tsx.

Theme Customization

You can customize theme options such as spacing, color, etc. By default, Deno SaaSKit comes with primary and secondary colors predefined within twind.config.ts. Change these values to match your desired color scheme.


You can deploy your Deno SaaSKit project to any VPS or Deno Deploy.

Deno Deploy



When submitting a pull request, please:

  1. Follow the Deno Style Guide.
  2. Include tests for any added functionality.
  3. Ensure deno task test passes successfully.

Building a Modern SaaS Stack

Along with this template, we are creating a series of How To guides to show how to build a modern SaaS stack using Deno SaaSKit and Fresh. This series will cover:

  • How to setup login logout in Fresh
  • How to setup user accounts with Supabase in Fresh
  • How to setup Stripe subscriptions in Fresh
  • How to create authenticated API routes in Fresh
  • How to deploy Deno SaaSKit to any Virtual Private Server with Docker

And more! We'll update all relevant links to point to written and video tutorials when they're released.

If you have a specific topic that you'd like us to cover, please let us know in Discord.

About Fresh and Deno

Deno is the easiest, and most secure JavaScript/TypeScript runtime. It comes with a robust toolchain and native TypeScript support so you can skip configuration and dive right into coding.

Fresh is a next-gen web framework built for speed, reliability, and simplicity. Fresh uses server-side rendering, islands, and progressive enhancement, and sends zero JavaScript to the client by default.