Deprecated: Android based YouTube URL extractor and downloader
- 0
- 0
Could not find com.github.HaarigerHarald:android-youtubeExtractor:master-SNAPSHOT.
#242 opened by re-is - 1
version is too old
#241 opened by anil-s-yadav - 10
Are it's working?
#232 opened by OpacareAngelus - 9
'com.github.HaarigerHarald:android-youtubeExtractor:master-SNAPSHOT' not working Could not resolve all dependencies and Could not load module metadata error
#190 opened by 0xPranjl - 27
- 0
Too slow downloading...
#224 opened by special3543 - 20
Move to new Youtube-Extractor library
#238 opened by Rider02vn - 1
YouTube JSR
#234 opened by JamesRho1987 - 1
Unknown host www.youtube.com
#237 opened by NguyenKhacPhuc - 1
old user agent. How can i fix it ????
#236 opened by BatuhanAkar - 4
Failed to resolve: com.github.HaarigerHarald:android-youtubeExtractor:master-SNAPSHOT
#235 opened by BatuhanAkar - 1
No value for streamingData
#230 opened by ajithkumar78 - 4
- 9
all videos from youtube not working
#218 opened by kyrellous - 0
360 videos not supported?
#233 opened by orlandev - 4
Youtube live video url
#189 opened by SushilBerwal - 2
Unable to extract youtube video on 2.1.0
#194 opened by VirajShirwalkar - 0
youtube extractor choose Auto quality
#227 opened by ThreeMinutesFix - 1
Something changed, extractor has failed!
#225 opened by chubecode - 1
get_video_info not providing hls
#191 opened by lortspogi - 0
Issue resolved
#222 opened by JosiYosi - 0
ytFiles returns null
#221 opened by vindhyasharma14 - 1
Implementation error
#215 opened by souravnoobcoder - 0
- 0
When passing link from edittext it will not working but direct it works why
#219 opened by Vishal-beep136 - 1
Not extract video...
#216 opened by hijacker4163 - 1
java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.String at.huber.youtubeExtractor.YtFile.getUrl()' on a null object reference
#214 opened by ldev1211 - 15
Extracted Urls are playing with delay of > 30 secs.
#209 opened by ricky1550 - 10
Very slow download speed
#213 opened by sametserpil - 0
- 1
youtube extractor is not working with mobile data
#203 opened by SahinSafi - 2
A video cannot be parsed correctly, I don’t know why
#211 opened by Jiang00 - 7
- 3
Quality Option
#208 opened by SushilBerwal - 0
- 0
Youtube Link stored in Firebase Database
#206 opened by donypsaju - 1
ld not resolve com.github.HaarigerHarald:android-youtubeExtractor:master-SNAPSHOT
#204 opened by LiuDongCai - 0
Video Quality does not change in Fragments when manually selected: Exoplayer
#202 opened by Shantanu-tec - 0
Handle Private Video
#201 opened by BanDroid - 1
decipherSignature is returning null
#200 opened by amitec07 - 29
not extract video today again after ading "&html5=1" + "&c=TVHTML5"+ "&cver=6.20180913"
#196 opened by shailendra-rajpoot - 12
[Youtube_Get_Video_Info]java.io.FileNotFoundException: https://www.youtube.com/get_video_info? even there is html5=1 as param
#183 opened by suryajanaki - 0
- 2
YouTubeExtractor.onExtractionComplete() returns ytFiles as null for certain youtube link
#187 opened by cmeng-git - 5
html5=1 stopped working
#184 opened by kishanverma26 - 19
html5=1 is not working.
#185 opened by Abhay-cloud - 5
html5=1 stopped working it was working previously java.io.FileNotFoundException: https://www.youtube.com/get_video_info?html5=1&video_id=308rv6DRp8Q&eurl=https%3A%2F%2Fyoutube.googleapis.com%2Fv%2F308rv6DRp8Q
#186 opened by shailendra-rajpoot - 0
Live Video URL only play for 5 to 10 seconds
#182 opened by gautamDev36 - 0
Public Video is running fine... but Unlisted YouTube Video is not working???
#181 opened by deorabanna1925