
Cloudbursting Stock is a mature-themed IT ad design marketing CGI library that emphasizes startup and emerging cloud clients. The CGI also hosts cloud based mockups and sample packages for graphic designer resources.

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The Cloudbursting Stock Runtime Library

Cloudbursting Stock is a mature-themed IT ad design marketing group that emphasizes startup and emerging cloud clients. The group also hosts cloud based mockups and sample packages for graphic designer resources.

The mainframe for this application consists of a Directory of Components, which is a collection of runtime components which are used by the end user to view, call or refactor content embedded within the larger component. A 'Runtime' is a complete, working app based upon the major theme of its directory component. Each runtime is stored in a virtual library and wrapped in either a Python (console runtime) or JavaScript (CGI runtime) wrapper. End user triggers either print the output on screen (print routines), parse the library for scripts (access routines) or build new runtimes (mockup routines).

The Cloudbursting Stock Directory of Components (DOC) Office Supply Based Content: Cloud Customization Based Content: Model Based Content: Exotics Based Content: Technology Based Articles: Datacenter Based Content: Infographic Based Content: Code Based Content: Logo Based Content: HTML5 and Video Based Content: mk Packaging Based Content: Merchandising Based Content: Promotional Based Content: Marketing and Tradeshow Based Content: Advertising Based Content: Publishing Based Content: Blueprint Based Content: Schematic Based Content: Map and Atlas Based Content: Health and Medical Based Content: Leisure Based Content:

Each component is included within the Cloudbursting Stock API; a content based api which serves as a bridgework for other applications to use the runtime libraries. The Directory of Components runtime library is built in C#, C++, Python and full compatibility with Google Apps Script.

Cloudbursting Stock Component Interface Developer Kit (CID) Each DOC component is built upon a C# interface module which allows relative passage of variables and commands. This environment is known as the Component Interface Developer Kit, a collection of libraries that hosts tools and toolsets used to print, access and mockups for runtimes.

Cloudbursting Stock Cloud Browser Application The stock libraries in the CID kit are accessible using the Cloud Browser Application (CBA), which is an automated extension of various popular browsers to host CID and DOC runtimes. Developers use the CBA to view layouts for mockups, networking and enterprise class functions before packaging finished projects for the end user.

Cloudbursting Desktop Cloudbursting Desktop is the main browser application for the 'Cloudbursting Stock Runtime Library'.

Cloudbursting Stock Team Manager This application is the main cloud drive and collaboration component used to submit and share documents and other content between team members.

Cloudbursting Stock Supervisor The main virtual machine for all active components. It provides general install and monitoring of all applications used and tracks network activity.