
Tweepcraft is a workaround 3D graphics application for PoserPython.


Tweepcraft is a workaround 3D graphics application for COLLADA/PoserPython accessed using Cloudbursting Stock's 'S-Terminal'.

Basic Jurisdiction:

Using CLI scripts, Tweepcraft enhances the workflow of PoserPython generated content using COI instruction sets. Build and manage PHM runtimes and libraries using COI commands.

Repository Rules & Regulations:

Content maintained within this repository is governed under the EULA of GitHub and the individual authors at large. Build results may vary and are not guaranteed to produce results.

Appliances and Maintainers:

Tweepcraft requires credentialing to access the S-Terminal. Maintainers commit appliance COI's which are hosted by the Tweepcraft chipset core.

  • Bug Tracker
  • Runtime Servelet Manager
  • Advanced Text Editor
  • Node Chipset COI Library
  • DFN Navigator
  • OpenNebula
  • NClass UML Generator

Negotiation Conferences:

Operational Scope:

Non-Circumventtion Statements: