
Little repo where to play with postgresql db

Primary LanguagePLpgSQL


Little repo where to play with postgresql db


  • docker-compose
  • makefile

How to use

make start : start containers postgres and pgadmin

make stop : stop all containers

run queries

to run a custom query you can write it in the query-editor.sql file and after type make query-editor from the terminal

run specific projects

go to a specific project folder inside /projects folder

you can find seed.sql and query-editor.sql files specific for the project

first install the seed with make seed and after run make query-editor

use client

you can access browse and query the database from pgadmin at http://localhost:5050

run specific commands inside projects


default configurations can be changed via .env variables:

PG_PORT: default 5432




pgadmin is a client to browse the database

you can use it opening locahost:5050

by default no passwords will be required to access to the test database

here you can find the entire list of environment variables.

Servers configuration

in configs/pgadmin folder you can finf servers.json file and pgpass file

servers.json contains all server that will be preloaded in pgadmin

    "Servers": {
      "1": {
        "Group": "Servers",
        "Name": "pg-test-db",
        "Host": "postgres",
        "Port": 5432,
        "MaintenanceDB": "postgres",
        "Username": "postgres",
        "PassFile": "/var/lib/pgadmin/pgpass",
        "SSLMode": "prefer"
  • Name: user friendly name to give to the server
  • Host: container where postgres db is hosted
  • Port: port of postgres db
  • Username: user that will access to the db
  • MaintenanceDB: main database name

pgpass: contains the password file for the db in this format
