A simple image sharing site, built with a combination of modern C++, database and web technologies. Intended to both be useful and make some points.
- Show how you can build things without 200 dependencies
- Show you can do so self-contained without tons of infrastructure
- 2.3MB Docker/Podman image, needs nothing else
- Provide an easy on-ramp for "C++ people" to using modern web technology
- Using a non-bloated minimal framework (alpine.js)
- Showcase modern C++ and build tools (Meson)
- A Rust version of the backend is very welcome!
- A Go version of the backend is very welcome!
- Build something that is extremely robust and secure and does not need
monthly updates.
- Still get high-end features
- Actually get an image sharing site for your friends/company
- Does not provide (moderation) infrastructure for uploads by the public
- Be a template for other projects
Once done, in ~1000 lines of C++ & Javascript, this will get you a safe and secure image sharing site that you could run yourself and forget about.
Note: the security goals have not yet been achieved, heavy development is ongoing. There are no known problems though.
For one, I'd love to have an 'imgur' just for myself, one that does not monetize me or the visitors to my images. But I also do not want to host a giant web based solution with multiple security issues per year. Or month. I yearn for software like djbdns or qmail that you could trust to not have gaping security holes all the time.
Fundamentally, there is no way to keep a solution with hundreds (or thousands) of dependencies secure. Yet, this is what modern web development has mostly become.
Trifecta is an attempt to create a useful and reliable piece of software that also showcases that it is still possible to write small programs with a much more limited attack surface.
Heavy development ongoing!
Many thanks are also due to early users & contributors:
- Ruben d'Arco
- Roel van der Made
- Peter van Dijk
While having 700 (indirect) dependencies is not good, benefiting from very good existing software is great:
- SQLiteWriter for seamless bridge between SQL and JSON, with automated schema generation, SQLite
- nlohmann-json, great C++ JSON library
- Alpine.js, a minimalistic Javascript environment
- {fmt}, excellent string formatting, part of recent C++ standards also
- cpp-httplib, pretty excellent HTTP library
- doctest, very nice and fast unit tests
- argparse, great argument parser
- Crypto++ - only for a baseurl64 encoder right now
You can paste or drag images to Trifecta. If you upload an image, a post will be created for it automatically.
A post can contain multiple images. Each image can have a caption, and each post a title.
Posts can be public or not, or have a timelimit on their public visibility (not yet hooked up in the UI).
- UI is clunky
- You can't change your password yet
- Login emails not yet implemented
- Security is probably not yet where it should be
- The code is still a mess and not yet "education clean"
More low hanging fruit can be found in the GitHub issues list.
Requires libsqlite3-dev nlohmann-json and crypto++. On Debian derived systems the following works:
apt install libsqlite3-dev nlohmann-json3-dev python3-pip libcrypto++-dev pkg-config
In addition, the project requires a recent version of meson, which you can get with 'pip3 install meson ninja' or perhaps 'pip install meson ninja' and only if that doesn't work 'apt install meson'.
The meson in Debian bullseye is very old, and will give you a confusing error message about 'git' if you try it. If you enable bullseye-backports you can do
apt install -t bullseye-backports meson
and get a working one. Or use the pip version, which is also great.
Then run:
meson setup build
meson compile -C build
./build/trifecta --rnd-admin-password
And you should be in business. This creates a random admin password, which it prints for you. It also prints out the URL on which you can contact the service. On first use you'll get some scary looking SQL errors, these go away once you've uploaded your first image.
To do admin things (like create new users), visit /admin.html
To take this into production using nginx (for letsencrypt, TLS etc), try:
upstream backendtrifect {
server fail_timeout=5s max_fails=3;
location /trifecta/ {
rewrite /trifecta/(.*) /$1 break;
proxy_pass http://backendtrifect;
add_header X-Cache-Status $upstream_cache_status;
client_max_body_size 50M;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $proxy_protocol_addr;
add_header X-Cache-Status $upstream_cache_status;
add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains; preload" always;
add_header X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN" always;
add_header X-Content-Type-Options "nosniff" always;
add_header X-XSS-Protection "1; mode=block" always;
add_header Referrer-Policy "same-origin";
add_header Permissions-Policy "camera=(), microphone=(), geolocation=()" always;
add_header Content-Security-Policy "default-src 'self'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'; connect-src 'self'; img-src 'self'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; font-src 'self' data:;" always;
To make a more portable binary, try:
LDFLAGS="-static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc" meson setup build --prefer-static
meson compile -C build/
Or even a fully static one:
LDFLAGS=-static meson setup build --prefer-static -Dbuildtype=release -Dcpp-httplib:cpp-httplib_openssl=disabled -Dcpp-httplib:cpp-httplib_brotli=disabled
meson compile -C build/
From this it is trivial to create a Docker or podman image:
strip build/trifecta
podman build -t berthubert/trifecta -f Dockerfile
The Dockerfile is very simple, and worth reading. To export this image, try:
podman save localhost/berthubert/trifecta -o trifecta.container
bzip2 trifecta.container
This gets you a 2.3 megabyte compressed container you can distribute.
To run the image:
podman run -p 1234:1234 -v /some/place/local-db/:/local-db berthubert/trifecta --rnd-admin-password
This syntax means:
- The binary in the container exposes TCP port 1234, expose it to the world as 1234 as well
- Containers are immutable, but we'd love to actually retain uploaded
images. We therefore mount
on your file system to/local-db
in the container - --rnd-admin-password creates an admin user with a random password (which it prints for you)
The SUSE past-o-o pastebin: https://github.com/openSUSE/paste-o-o
cottow's 6paster: https://github.com/cottow/6paster
Project with similar aims, a webmail solution built on Go and a functional language called Elm: https://github.com/inbucket/inbucket