
DYLE - Discord Youtube Link Extractor

Primary LanguageJavaScript

DYLE - Discord YouTube Link Extractor


This script will allow you to extract all youtube links send in a discord channel and gather then into a single .csv file with some metadata like the title, publication date and start of the description.


  • A discord account with access to the channel you want to extract the links from connected on the web app (not the desktop or mobile one)
  • An API key for the YouTube Data API (v3 at this time)

How to use

  1. Run npm install at this project's root directory
  2. Go on your browser, open Discord, open the DevTools (usually F12 works), open the Network tab
  3. Reload the discord page, open a request that has been made to any discord api endpoint and extract the value of the Authorization header
  4. Past it as the value for DISCORD_TOKEN in getVideos.js
  5. Open the channel you want to target, check the call made to https://discord.com/api/v9/channels/{DISCORD_CHANNEL_ID}/messages
  6. Copy the channel ID from this url into DISCORD_CHANNEL_ID in getVideos.js
  7. Get your YouTube API key value and put it into YOUTUBE_API_KEY in getVideos.js
  8. Run with npm start
  9. Use the generated videos.csv file


For a channel with arround 1080 messages:

  • Execution time: < 30 seconds
  • Found: 808 videos
  • Private/deleted: 63 videos
  • CSV file size: 246ko