
Sleek and intuitive To-Do-List Web Application

Primary LanguagePython

Task Manager Web App

Welcome to the Task Manager web application! This application allows users to create, delete, and edit their to-do lists. Users can log in with their username and password, and the application provides a visually pleasing interface for an enhanced user experience.


  • User Authentication: Users can log in

  • Task Management:

    • Create: Users can add new tasks with a title, description, and due date.
    • Edit: Users can modify task details, such as updating the title, description, or due date.
    • Delete: Users can remove tasks from their to-do list.
  • Visual Interface: The application boasts a visually appealing and user-friendly interface, designed with HTML and CSS to ensure a positive user experience.

Technologies Used

  • Django: The backend framework for building the web application.
  • Python: The programming language used for server-side logic.
  • HTML: Used for creating the structure and content of web pages.
  • CSS: Applied for styling and enhancing the visual presentation.


Login Page

Landing page Create