
how to upload files to git for noobs


how to upload files to git for beginners (Windows)


  1. Download here git-scm.com
  2. During installation, I choose Run Git from Windows Commpand Prompt. Other option, I just let it be
  3. Done


  1. Create new repository in your Git - click Create Repository
  2. Right click the file/folder that want to upload - choose Git Bash here
  3. In command window, type these and ENTER a) git init b) git add . c) git commmit -m "Your message here" d) git remote add origin https://github.com/your username/your repo created in step 1.git e) git pull origin master EXTRA: if got a window asking for message, refer here http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14046122/github-locks-up-mac-terminal-when-using-pull-command/37718057#37718057 f) git push origin master