
Code used to manage the space's shelves' LEDs

Primary LanguagePython



  • DiscordBot : Bot that monitors channel #let-me-in on Discord and blinks the lights red when someone posts
  • NetWatch : Bot that monitors the local network and turns on the lights when someone connects
  • FanControl : Basic fan controller for the Raspberry Pi
  • LEDServer : Service that listens for commands on port 5000 and controls the LEDs
  • SndServer : Service that listens for commands on port 4000 and plays sounds
  • hacka_shelves.env: Configuration file (do not git commit your Discord token!)
  • install.sh : Installation script to run with sudo
  • systemd : Scripts used to automatically start all services on reboot


  1. Edit hacka_shelves.env and set you Discord bot token
  2. Run: sudo ./install.sh
  3. Check if the services run properly:
    • journalctl -fn100 -u discord
    • journalctl -fn100 -u netwatch
    • journalctl -fn100 -u snd
    • journalctl -fn100 -u led
    • journalctl -fn100 -u fan


To add new animations, edit LEDServer/hacdc_strip.py. New animation method names should end with _on, _off or _anim.

LED Control

For now, the port is only open locally, so you have to SSH into the Pi:

$ ssh hacdc@lumen0
$ echo CMD | nc localhost 5000
$ echo let_me_in_anim | nc localhost 5000
$ echo let_me_in_anim 1 3 1000 | nc localhost 5000

CMD can be:

  • lightsaber\_on / lightsaber_off
  • instant\_on / instant_off
  • flicker_on / flickr_off
  • let\_me\_in\_anim

Parameters depend on the method called, RTFC.

Sound Control

Add your mp3 of choice to /home/hacdc/mp3. To play it:

$ ssh hacdc@lumen0
$ echo filename.mp3 | nc localhost 4000

The Pi must be connected to a bluetooth speaker, for now:

$ bluetoothctl connect 40:ef:4c:1d:70:a1


You can start the LED server manually in debug mode to have a nice GUI:

cd LEDServer
sudo LED_DEBUG=1 LED_SERVICE_PORT=5000 python3 hacdc.server.py