
Color Picker is a react app to generate random five colors and also anyone can copy the color

Primary LanguageJavaScript

ColorPicker - Vite React App

visit the website here

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Features
  3. Prerequisites
  4. Installation


Welcome to ColorPicker, a Vite-powered React web application that lets you generate color palettes. This app is designed to assist designers, developers, and anyone in need of beautiful color combinations for their projects.


  • Generate color palettes with a single click.
  • Customize the number of colors in the palette.
  • Copy the generated color codes (HEX) to your clipboard.


Before running the ColorPicker app, make sure you have the following software and tools installed on your machine:

  • Node.js (v14 or higher)
  • npm or Yarn package manager


To set up the ColorPicker app, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository from GitHub:
git clone https://github.com/HacFlix/ColorPicker.git
cd ColorPicker
npm install or yarn install
npm run dev or yarn run dev