
This is a HNGi9 Project I submitted that reads a csv file, saves out each row as a json file, hashes the json files and creates a modified csv file with the new hash for each row included in the row.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a HNGi9 Project I submitted that reads a csv file, saves out each row as a json file, hashes the json files and creates a modified csv file with the new hash for each row included in the row.

Note: This Script works with csv files that have the following headers - [ "TEAM NAMES", "Series Number", "Filename", "Name", "Description", "Gender", "Attributes", "UUID"].

To add new columns, Just edit the columns array and add the new column in the right place.


  • the csv folder contains the original csv file and the modified version. Copy your csv file into this folder
  • the json folder contains all generated json files
  • the main.js houses the implementation.


  • Clone the repo
  • Change into the cloned directory
  • In your terminal run npm install
  • Copy your csv file into the csv/ folder
  • In the main.js file, change the filename variable to your csv file name without the extention.
  • In your terminal run node main.js