Electricity Power Usage Dashboard


This repository contains a web application that showcases a dashboard for monitoring electricity power usage. The dashboard provides real-time and historical data on electricity consumption, helping houseolds make informed decisions to optimize energy usage.


  • Historical data visualization.
  • User-friendly and interactive dashboard.

Getting Started

To get started with this web application, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine:

    [git clone https://github.com/your-organization/electricity-power-usage-dashboard.git](https://github.com/Hack-The-Mountain-4-0-VETAT/Dashboard-Taipy.git)
  2. Install the necessary dependencies. You may use a package manager like npm or yarn:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Customize the application to your organization's needs by editing the configuration files and widgets.

  4. Build the application:

    py main.py
  5. Deploy the application to your preferred hosting platform or server.