
Hack Weekly: Project 2 - Simple Blog

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Onyx Blog

Welcome to the Onyx Salamanders blog, where the Hack Weekly team tracks their progress as they collaborate to build and develop full stack apps within a set deadline. We are excited to share our journey with you!

Our project selection process is based on a poll taken by hundreds of members on the Hack Weekly Discord server. The chosen project becomes the focus of our team, as we work diligently to create a functional and user-friendly application.

As an admin of Onyx, you can easily log in and create blog posts to keep our community updated on our progress. Other users can also log in and authenticate via Github OAuth to share their thoughts and ideas in the comments section.

We've also included a metrics page that offers insight into different aspects of our blog, such as the total number of words and the various tags that we use. This helps us analyze our writing style and content, allowing us to make improvements and adjustments to better engage with our audience.

For our project, we utilized the React framework for the frontend development, while the backend was implemented using TypeScript. Our database was structured using Prisma with a MySQL schema. The languages that we utilized included React, TypeScript, JavaScript, JSX, and CSS.

We're thrilled to be working on exciting projects and sharing our progress with our community. We hope that you'll join us on this journey and be a part of our growth and success as we continue to build and develop innovative full stack apps.

License: MIT Maintenance

Table of Contents

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Installation Instructions

Make sure you are in the root directory:


Steps to start the app locally

  1. npm run quick
    • Is a quick script that will install all needed dependencies that will allow for the application to run correctly.
  2. npm run start
    • This will spin up the react app (frontend)
  3. cd ./server && npm run start
    • Will spin up a local instance of the server. However, you will need to create your own .env file and ensure you have the correct information in the .env file so that way you can make a connection to the database.

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  1. axios
  2. crypto-random-string
  3. react
  4. react-dom
  5. react-router-dom
  6. react-scripts
  7. recharts
  8. zustand

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  1. @prisma/client
  2. @types/dotenv
  3. @types/express
  4. @types/node
  5. axios
  6. cors
  7. express
  8. prettier
  9. prisma
  10. ts-node
  11. typescript

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Known Issues/Errors

In progress

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GitHub Repository


StephenODea54 -> Behold, the mastermind behind the backend, able to conjure up entire systems in mere minutes. With a mere flick of their wrist, they can make you feel like they were present at the dawn of time, crafting the very fabric of the universe. This technomancer is the wizard you want on your side, weaving their magic to create backend systems that will leave your competitors quaking in their boots.

jpatterson933 -> Meet the enigmatic storyteller, a data wizard who can harness colossal amounts of information with ease. They're a visionary who dares to quantify the unquantifiable, creating metrics for things that should never be measured. With a single stroke of their keyboard, they can weave tales that bring even the driest of data to life, illuminating insights that leave others in the dark. This master storyteller is not afraid to push boundaries, using their unique abilities to craft narratives that will captivate audiences and inspire action.

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julianp15 -> Behold, a stalwart member of our team, tirelessly balancing the rigors of academia with the demands of work. While we toil away at the office, they're out there pursuing knowledge and honing their skills, leaving us all in awe of their incredible drive and determination. This scholar is a true force to be reckoned with, pursuing their passions with an unrelenting fervor that sets them apart from the pack. Even as they grapple with the challenges of higher education, they remain a rock-solid member of our team, lending their expertise and support whenever we need it most.

nathanjslim -> Behold our fearless leader, the mighty king whose spirit drives us to ever greater heights. They are the one true master of Onyx Salamander, an unyielding force that ensures only those who push themselves to the limit can hope to keep pace. With a heart of fire and a will of steel, they inspire us to be our best selves, challenging us to go beyond what we thought possible. Their leadership is a beacon of hope in troubled times, a shining example of what true strength and determination can achieve. We are honored to follow in their footsteps, guided by their unerring sense of purpose and their unbreakable spirit.

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eyobodega -> Introducing the master of styles, a true virtuoso whose ability to push the boundaries of elegance and refinement is matched only by their unwavering dedication to our team's success. They are the driving force behind our momentum, propelling us ever forward with a single, masterful stroke that sets us apart from the rest. Their creative genius is legendary, inspiring us to embrace a new level of sophistication and finesse in everything we do. And even in the quiet moments, when others might falter, this masterful artist remains steadfast, their unbreakable spirit lifting us up and carrying us forward. We are honored to work alongside them, privileged to be a part of their grand vision for what we can achieve together.

License Information

License: MIT

MIT License Documentation

Please refer to license documentation for any questions regarding reusing this software or any code within this application.

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