
This HTML @Hackway page displays a paragraph with a disclaimer and a centered image. The CSS styles the links, while JavaScript converts specific words into clickable links automatically.

Primary LanguageHTML

A web page article automatic link on specific words with @Hackway

To automatically link specific words in a web page article with the given @Hackway.

This code is an HTML page that includes JavaScript and CSS. It features a paragraph of text with a disclaimer and a centered image. The CSS code styles the links in the text, giving them a blue color, removing the underline, and adding a bottom border that transitions to a different color on hover.

The JavaScript code automatically converts specific words in the paragraphs into clickable links, using an object to define the words and their corresponding URLs. The code loops through each paragraph, splits the words, checks if a word matches one in the object, and replaces it with a link if there's a match.

code, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a new HTML file or open an existing one where you want to implement the automatic linking of words.
  2. Place the CSS code provided inside <style> tags in the section of your HTML file. This code styles the links and adds a hover effect.
  3. Place the JavaScript code provided inside <script> tags in the or section of your HTML file. This code defines the words to be linked and loops through the paragraphs to replace those words with appropriate links.
  4. Save the HTML file.
    1. Automatic Linking: Enhance Your Web Page with Dynamic Hyperlinks:

      Make sure to replace the placeholder URLs and words in the JavaScript code with your desired links and words to be linked.

      By following these steps and incorporating the provided code, the specified words in your web page article will be automatically linked with appropriate URLs.

      Live Domo || Automatically link specific words in a web page article:

      The link https://codepen.io/hackway/pen/QWVGjmw

      YouTube channel my Handle is @Hackway I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.