
This project serves to introduce the website team to HTML, CSS, VSCode, and Github after our initial lesson. Feel free to use the code given in the abbie_tran folder, or come up with your own project format. Project Requirements:

How to create this project?

  • Create a new folder with your name in the top-level intro to html project

Click the new folder button (second from left) in VSCode Stage (+ button), Commit (Checkbox), add a message , and push (reload button in bottom left hand corner)


  • About me, fictional character, real person, dog, cat, etc. page

  • Include pictures from links and the folder

  • At least 10 different types of html tags

    • buttons
    • paragraphs
    • lists
  • Include divs, classes, and different ids

  • Apply different styling in css to different classes, ids, and tags

  • Include a navigation bar with a dropdown on one of the sections (about, contact, etc.)

  • Push your code to github at the end


  • Create multiple html pages linked on the navigation bar
    • Clicking "About" would link to a new page
  • Create a table (I didn't mention this, but you can find info on w3 schools)
    • Table can have border, no border, colored border, fill the screen, etc.