This project serves to introduce the website team to HTML, CSS, VSCode, and Github after our initial lesson. Feel free to use the code given in the abbie_tran folder, or come up with your own project format. Project Requirements:
- Create a new folder with your name in the top-level intro to html project
Click the new folder button (second from left) in VSCode Stage (+ button), Commit (Checkbox), add a message , and push (reload button in bottom left hand corner)
About me, fictional character, real person, dog, cat, etc. page
Include pictures from links and the folder
At least 10 different types of html tags
- buttons
- paragraphs
- lists
Include divs, classes, and different ids
Apply different styling in css to different classes, ids, and tags
Include a navigation bar with a dropdown on one of the sections (about, contact, etc.)
Push your code to github at the end
- Create multiple html pages linked on the navigation bar
- Clicking "About" would link to a new page
- Create a table (I didn't mention this, but you can find info on w3 schools)
- Table can have border, no border, colored border, fill the screen, etc.