
HackCity Landing Page Design Implementations by interns


HackCity Landing Page Design Implementations by interns

Welcome to the company landing page repository! Participants will be creating their own branches and working exclusively in those branches to design and develop a landing page for our company.

Please follow these steps as you contribute:

Fork the repository to your own GitHub account. Create a new branch in your fork using the following naming convention: "landing-page-YOURNAME". Make all of your changes and additions to the code in this new branch. When you are ready to submit your landing page, open a pull request from your branch to the original repository's main branch. Please note that all participants are expected to work exclusively in their own branches and not make any changes to the master branch. Any pull requests submitted from the main branch will not be honored.

If you have any questions or issues, please reach out to the repository's maintainers for assistance.

Good luck and we can't wait to see your creative designs!