#Wat Is Code
"A dumber way to program."
"I don't know"
##No Really, what is this?
We decided there wasn't a coding language stupid enough for beginners.
So we decided to make one!
This language is Turing-complete, and supports most of the features you'd expect in any programming language.
##Under the Hood
Since the compiler was written in C++, we decided to parse the Wat Is Code source file into a C++ source file.
You must compile the supplied compiler.cc file, and name the executable as "wiccompiler".
After that, simply run the supplied wicc bash script with the format "./wicc <myfile.wic>".
This will compile your supplied myfile.wic into a binary executable ("./a.out" by default).
We've only provided a compiler, so you must run "./a.out" to experience the fun!
Usage: UMM comments
Notes: You can add an UMM at any point in the program. Anything after this will be ignored, till the end of the line.
Usage: DO I NEED library_name
Notes: Since we compile into C++ source, you can include any C or C++ type library.
Usage: I NEED A type CALLED name
Notes: Declares name as a variable of type specified by type.
The type can be any type accepted in C++. There is no support for enumerated types yet.
Usage: name SHOULD BE value
Notes: Sets the variable name to have a value specified by value.
###Operators Notes: Same as C/C++ (+, -, /, etc...)
Usage: I THINK condition
Notes: If condition
Usage: OR MAYBE another condition
Notes: Need to have an "I THINK" before "OR MAYBE".
Usage: I LIED
Notes: Equivalent of an "else"
Usage: RIGHT?
Notes: Required. Ends the if statement.
Notes: Starts a loop.
Notes: Ends a loop.
Notes: Exits from a loop.
Usage: name FINDS A type
Notes: Start a function called name that returns type type. No input parameters.
Usage: name FINDS A type FROM A type CALLED name (AND A type CALLED name ...)
Notes: Start a function called name that returns type type.
For the first set of parameters, use "FROM A ..", and for additional parameters, use "AND A ..".
Notes: Needs to be there to end a function!
Usage: I CALCULATED expression
Notes: Returns expression
Usage: ASK ABOUT name
Notes: Gets value from standard input and puts it into name.
Usage: SHOW ME expression
Notes: Outputs an expression (string, variable, number, etc).
We now have syntax highlighting support (for Vim).
To use the file, copy wic.vim
into ~/.vim/syntax/
(and create any needed folders).
Then add the following line into your .vimrc
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.wic set filetype=wic
#Authors Created by Sameer Chitley, Jami Boy Mohammad and Geoffrey Yu for #SEHackDay 2014.