
TTGSnackbar shows simple message and action button on the bottom or top of the screen with multi kinds of animation, which is written in Swift3 and inspired by Snackbar in Android. It also support showing custom view, icon image or multi action button.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


A Swift based implementation of the Android Snackbar for iOS

Build Status Version License Platform



TTGSnackbar is useful for showing a brief message at the bottom of the screen with an action button.
It appears above all other elements on screen and only one can be displayed at a time.
It disappears after a timeout or after user click the action button.



Swift 2.2
iOS 8+


You can use CocoaPods to install TTGSnackbar by adding it to your Podfile:

platform :ios, '8.0'

pod "TTGSnackbar"


You can use Carthage to install TTGSnackbar by adding it to your Cartfile:

github "zekunyan/TTGSnackbar"


And you need to import the module.

import TTGSnackbar


Show a simple message


let snackbar = TTGSnackbar.init(message: "Message", duration: .Short)

Show a simple message with an action button


let snackbar = TTGSnackbar.init(message: "Message", duration: .Middle, actionText: "Action")
{ (snackbar) -> Void in
    NSLog("Click action!")

Show a simple message with a long running action


let snackbar = TTGSnackbar.init(message: "Message", duration: .Forever, actionText: "Action")
{ (snackbar) -> Void in
    NSLog("Click action!")
    // Dismiss manually after 3 seconds
    dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, Int64(3 * Double(NSEC_PER_SEC))), dispatch_get_main_queue()) { () -> Void in

Show a simple message with two action buttons


let snackbar: TTGSnackbar = TTGSnackbar.init(message: "Two actions !", duration: .Long)

// Action 1
snackbar.actionText = "Yes"
snackbar.actionTextColor = UIColor.greenColor()
snackbar.actionBlock = { (snackbar) in NSLog("Click Yes !") }

// Action 2
snackbar.secondActionText = "No"
snackbar.secondActionTextColor = UIColor.yellowColor()
snackbar.secondActionBlock = { (snackbar) in NSLog("Click No !") }


Show a simple message with an icon image


let snackbar: TTGSnackbar = TTGSnackbar.init(message: "Two actions !", duration: .Long)

// Add icon image
snackbar.icon = UIImage.init(named: "emoji_cool_small")




message: String defines the message to diaplay.

Message text color

messageTextColor: UIColor defines the message text color.

Message text font

messageTextFont: UIFont defines the message text font.

Display duration

duration: TTGSnackbarDurationdefines the display duration.
TTGSnackbarDuration : Short, Middle, Long and Forever.
When you set Forever, the snackbar will show an activity indicator after user click the action button and you must dismiss the snackbar manually.

Action title

actionText: String defines the action button title.

Action title color

actionTextColor: UIColor defines the action button title color.

Action title font

actionTextFont: UIFont defines the action button title font.

Action callback

actionBlock: TTGActionBlock? will be called when user click the action button.

// TTGActionBlock definition.
public typealias TTGActionBlock = (snackbar: TTGSnackbar) -> Void

Second action title, color, font and callback

secondActionText: String  
secondActionTextColor: UIColor  
secondActionTextFont: UIFont  
secondActionBlock: TTGActionBlock?

Dismiss callback

dismissBlock: TTGDismissBlock? will be called when snackbar dismiss automatically or when user click action button to dismiss the snackbar.

// TTGDismissBlock definition.
public typealias TTGDismissBlock = (snackbar: TTGSnackbar) -> Void

Animation type

animationType: TTGSnackbarAnimationType defines the style of snackbar when it show and dismiss.

TTGSnackbarAnimationType : FadeInFadeOut, SlideFromBottomToTop, SlideFromBottomBackToBottom, SlideFromLeftToRight and SlideFromRightToLeft.

The default value of animationType is SlideFromBottomBackToBottom, which is the same as Snackbar in Android.

Animation duration

animationDuration: NSTimeInterval defines the duration of show and hide animation.


leftMargin: CGFloat, rightMargin: CGFloat and bottomMargin: CGFloat define the margins of snackbar.

Snackbar height

height: CGFloat defines the height of snackbar.

Corner radius

cornerRadius: CGFloat defines the corner radius of snackbar.

Icon image

icon: UIImage defines the icon image.

Icon image content mode

iconContentMode: UIViewContentMode defines the content mode of icon imageView.

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