HackRU splash page

A mirror of frontend for now, while I'm too lazy.

Minus a 💩 tonne of JS.

A quick-n-dirty splash page so that hackers can get hyped and sponsors know what's up. This is hackru.org while registration is closed between events.

How to install

git clone https://github.com/HackRU/HackRU.github.io.git
cd HackRU.github.io

You're there! Say hi!

Also, change stuff if you want. This bit of the site doesn't need a server, so you can just open the files in your favorite browser with impunity.

What's what

So the base is index.html which is the main splash page. Its styled by:

  • theme.css
  • custom.css
  • bootstrap.min.css

The other page is sponsorship.html. It's styled by:

  • bootstrap_sponsorship.min.css
  • sponsorship.css

The sponsorship page also uses jquery and bootstrap, but that's internally used.

All the CSS lives in the css folder.


Update with Sci-fi goodies! 👽


If you don't have git on a command line (meaning, basically, you run windows) there's a desktop app. Otherwise, you can use your command line.

🎉 💖