Nexaflow - Context-Aware Chatbot

Team Nexus Squad


Nexaflow is an intelligent, context-aware chatbot designed to provide precise and useful information from a comprehensive knowledge base while executing various actions through integrated APIs. The chatbot can handle multiple document formats, preserve conversation context, and execute actions like creating/canceling orders, collecting payments, and more.

Nexaflow was built as part of a hackathon challenge to solve real-world problems like FAQs, escalation handling, and task automation with a seamless user experience.


  • Context-Aware Chat: The chatbot understands the flow of conversations and maintains context across multiple queries.
  • Action Execution: Nexaflow integrates with various APIs to perform actions such as booking, canceling orders, processing payments, etc.
  • Knowledge Base Integration: Information is retrieved from documents like PDFs, PPTs, or external databases, ensuring relevant and accurate responses.
  • Multiple Formats Supported: Integrates with various document types, including PDFs, DOCs, and PPTs.
  • Session Management: Maintains session context between interactions.

Tech Stack

  • Frontend: React (built using ShadCN UI library), Firebase.
  • Backend: Python and FastAPI, with additional integrations for document parsing and external API management.

Installation & Setup (For Developers)

To set up the project on your local machine:


  • Node.js: Install from here.
  • Python 3.x: Install from here.
  • Pinecone API Key
  • Azure Document Intelligence API Key
  • Claude API Key

Backend Setup

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd nexaflow
  2. Navigate to the server folder:

    cd server
  3. Create a virtual environment:

    python -m venv venv
  4. Activate the virtual environment:

    • On Windows:
    • On MacOS/Linux:
      source venv/bin/activate
  5. Install dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  6. Set up environment variables:

    Create a .env file in the root directory of the server folder and fill in the following keys:

  7. Run the backend:

    uvicorn main:app --reload

Frontend Setup

  1. Navigate to the nexa_ui folder:

    cd nexa_ui
  2. Install the frontend dependencies:

    npm install
  3. To run the client side (end-user app):

    npm run dev
  4. To run the admin side (admin panel for managing actions and documents):

    npm run dev:admin

The admin app's routes:

  • /: Admin homepage

End User (Deployed Version)

  1. Visit the deployed Nexaflow app - Nexaflow.
  2. On the homepage, interact with the chatbot for any FAQs or context-aware queries.
  3. If you want to perform an action (e.g., cancel an appointment), simply ask the bot, and it will handle it via integrated APIs.

Admin (Deployed Version)

  1. Visit the admin panel of the deployed Nexaflow app - Admin Panel.
  2. Manage actions and documents by adding new workflows or updating the knowledge base.

Team - Nexus Squad