is a cutting-edge AI driven platform designed to automate video creation from text-based inputs such as brochures or PDFs. It seamlessly integrates interactive quizzes and provides detailed analytics to enhance user engagement. Perfect for education, corporate training, and HR assessments, offers multilingual support and real-time feedback, transforming the way content is delivered.

Key Features

  • Text to Video Creation
    Convert text documents into dynamic videos with AI-driven summarization and voice-over.

  • Quiz Integration
    Automatically generate quizzes after videos to assess user comprehension.

  • Analytics Dashboard
    In-depth user engagement tracking with viewership data, quiz scores, and performance heatmaps.

  • Multilingual Support
    Generate videos in over 10 languages, making your content globally accessible.

  • Collaboration Tools & AURAbot
    Seamlessly collaborate on content creation, ideal for corporate teams and educational institutions , and also ask our AURAbot for the lingering queries.

Technologies Used


  • React.Js
  • Recharts
  • Tailwind CSS


  • Python
  • FastAPI
  • Node.Js
  • Express.Js

Cloud Service Providers:

  • Firebase - (real-time database and authentication)
  • DigitalOcean - (server and database hosting)

Hosting Platforms:

  • Vercel - (Frontend deployment)
  • Railway - (Backend hosting)
  • Digital Ocean -(Cloud Hosting)

Industrial Add-Ons:

  • Husky - (Enforces code quality pre-commit hooks)
  • Clarity - (Error recording and monitoring)
  • Sentry - (Real-time error detection and logging)
  • Playwright - (End-to-end UI testing)


  • BART - (Text summarization)
  • Stable Diffusion - (Image generation)
  • Tesseract OCR - (Optical Character Recognition)
  • Gemini 1.5 Flash
  • TensorFlow & PyTorch - (For AI model training)

Tools & Others:

  • Postman - (API testing)
  • Git/GitHub - (Version control)
  • Kaggle - (Datasets & model training)
  • CI/CD Pipelines - (For automated deployments)
  • Pixaby - (For media assets)
  • Transformers - (For NLP tasks)
  • pdfplumber, pydub, moviepy - (For PDF processing, audio, and video generation)

Getting Started with

1. Clone the Repository:

git clone [](

2. Move to the Backend Directory:

cd hackrx-backend

3. Setup the Environment Variables:

Create a .env file in the root directory and add your API keys.


4. Set up Firebase:

  • Create a Firebase project in the Firebase Console.
  • Enable Google authentication in the Firebase Authentication section.
  • Obtain the Firebase configuration settings (API key, Auth domain, Project ID, etc.)

5. Install Python Libraries & Run the Backend Server:

pip install -r requirements.txt
uvicorn server:app --reload

6. Move to the Frontend Directory:

cd hackrx-frontend

7. Install Required Dependencies & Run the Script:

npm i

8. Run the Development Server:

npm run dev