
This program show you IMSI numbers of cellphones around you.

MIT LicenseMIT


This program show you IMSI numbers of cellphones around you.


The IMSI catcher uses a famous technique called man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack. It acts simultaneously as a fake mobile phone to the real base station and a fake base station to the real mobile phone

⚠️ This program was made to understand how GSM network work. Not for bad hacking ! ⚠️


git clone https://github.com/Oros42/IMSI-catcher.git
cd IMSI-catcher


wget https://github.com/Oros42/IMSI-catcher/archive/master.zip && unzip -q master.zip
cd IMSI-catcher-master
sudo apt install python3-numpy python3-scipy python3-scapy

Warning : don't use python 3.9 (ctypes bug)!


We use grgsm_livemon to decode GSM signals and simple_IMSI-catcher.py to find IMSIs.

python3 simple_IMSI-catcher.py -h
Usage: simple_IMSI-catcher.py: [options]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a, --alltmsi         Show TMSI who haven't got IMSI (default  : false)
  -i IFACE, --iface=IFACE
                        Interface (default : lo)
  -m IMSI, --imsi=IMSI  IMSI to track (default : None, Example:
                        123456789101112 or "123 45 6789101112")
  -p PORT, --port=PORT  Port (default : 4729)
  -s, --sniff           sniff on interface instead of listening on port
                        (require root/suid access)
  -w SQLITE, --sqlite=SQLITE
                        Save observed IMSI values to specified SQLite file
  -t TXT, --txt=TXT     Save observed IMSI values to specified TXT file
  -z, --mysql           Save observed IMSI values to specified MYSQL DB (copy
                        .env.dist to .env and edit it)

What you need

1 PC with Gnu/Linux. Tested with :

  • debian 10
  • Ubuntu 20.04/LinuxMint 20+
  • Kali 2020+

1 SDR receiver. Tested with :

Open 2 terminals.

In terminal 1

sudo python3 simple_IMSI-catcher.py -s

In terminal 2


Now, change the frequency until it display, in terminal, something like that :

15 06 21 00 01 f0 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b
25 06 21 00 05 f4 f8 68 03 26 23 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b
49 06 1b 95 cc 02 f8 02 01 9c c8 03 1e 57 a5 01 79 00 00 1c 13 2b 2b


You can watch GSM packets with wireshark.

sudo apt install wireshark
sudo wireshark -k -Y '!icmp && gsmtap' -i lo

Find frequencies

ARFCN:  974, Freq:  925.0M, CID:     2, LAC:   1337, MCC: 208, MNC:  20, Pwr: -41
ARFCN:  976, Freq:  925.4M, CID:  4242, LAC:   1007, MCC: 208, MNC:  20, Pwr: -45

Now, you can set the frequency for grgsm_livemon :

grgsm_livemon -f 925.4M