
Notes on authentication - how to think about it and what options are available

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Notes on authentication - how to think about it and what options are available

What is it?

Authentication is the process of verifying that a user is who he/she says she is (note that this is different than authorization which determines if a user is allowed to access a resource).

Best practice

Current best practice - use JWT (https://jwt.io/introduction/) Try to use an existing framework. Do not make your own authentication scheme - it is harder than you think. For front end use this NPM https://www.npmjs.com/package/jsonwebtoken (npm install --save jsonwebtoken)

Authentication overview

Basic flow

  1. Enter your credentials (username or email and password)
  2. Make HTTPS request containing this data to backend
  3. Check that username and password match
  4. Return user id and any other data and store token in LocalStorage


About LocalStorage (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/localStorage) Tokens stored in LocalStorage are DOMAIN SPECIFIC - that means "stuff" stored in LocalStorage for Facebook.com is not visible to Google.com The token will remain in storage (not the user profile)

Backend endpoints required

/your_app/auth/email - first request to get token

Using bcrypt (encryption to store your passwords securely in database)

Encoding and decoding JWTs

Storing JWT web toekns


  • NOTE that every request to your app MUST be authenticated - how do we do this? Include the token in headers of every request (more info about headers - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1268673/set-a-request-header-in-javascript)

  • Check that the token is valid on every request

  • If the token is valid allow the request (return status code 200)

  • If the token is not valid - do not allow the request to continue and return the appropriate response code (on the front end redirect the user to the login page so that they can try again)

Other resources