This repository contains all the material for the HackYourFuture module "Project: Build an application with a team"
- 1
Recover password
#25 opened by Samship - 0
As a HYF user I want to know what the platform is about and be able to login so that I can chat with other HYF users
#23 opened by Samship - 1
- 0
Browse categories
#21 opened by Samship - 0
View profile and manage profile
#22 opened by Samship - 0
Send post a message in a private chat
#18 opened by Samship - 0
Select and filter based on category
#19 opened by Samship - 0
send/post a message in a group chat
#20 opened by Samship - 0
Respond to a message in a chat to start a thread
#17 opened by Samship - 0
User receives notifications for a new message
#16 opened by Samship - 0
Enable notifications for a user or category
#15 opened by Samship - 0
Fix email recovery
#27 opened by sergeyzoloto - 0
As a HYF user i forgot my password I want to reset my password so that I can log in back again to my account
#26 opened by sergeyzoloto - 0
User Stories
#14 opened by ysmnclsknnl - 0
Online Certificate Courses
#5 opened by RamazanInce - 0
Improve yourself with your project
#4 opened by RamazanInce - 0
Linkedin seminar
#6 opened by RamazanInce