React Re-Exam

Rebuild the following application:

How to start

  1. Make a fork of this repository (to your personal account)
  2. Clone the fork to your local machine
  3. Navigate to the folder class27-react-reexam and execute npm install
  4. Get started with building!

The requirements

  • Create and use at least 3 reusable components
  • Use react-router-dom for navigating to the second page
  • Make use of the useState and useEffect hooks
  • Add a "loading" state (use the provided spinner.gif)
  • Add an error handling state
  • Fetch users after the component mounts
  • Put an identifier (the uuid property found in the user object) in the URL when showing a single user's details
  • Add a "BACK" button to return to /
  • Use the following API:

Time duration

The test will last 2 hours: from 12.00 - 14.00

How to submit your test:

  1. Push your code to your forked repository
  2. Make a pull request to the original repository, with a message like: React Reexam <YOUR_NAME>


  1. Whatever you do, stay calm!
  2. Split the problem up into smaller pieces
  3. If something is too difficult, move on to the next thing

Good luck!