Hacktoberfest 2020 with Hack Club VIT Chennai ❤️

Open Source Love svg1

PRs Welcome


Support open-source software by participating in Hacktoberfest and get goodies and a free t-shirt! 💛

Please submit your PR's labelled as hacktoberfest to start contributing!

Kindly consider leaving a ⭐ if you like the repository and our organization.


The objective of this application is to allow old and new students of a university or college to communicate with each other. This system allows students to know about each other and their current activities and work forward towards their own goals by the guidance of their college's alumni.


  1. Django - Backend


=> Fork this repository to start contributing.

=> Open your Git Bash command window and in the root directory type the following commands :

    1) git init -initializes the git repository from the GitHub.
    2) git remote add origin <git_URL> -sets a remote to Origin
      (git remote add origin https://github.com/<your-github-username>/AlumniTalks.git)
    3) git pull origin main -pulls main branch from origin