
Official Repository for DotSlash 4.0 Submission of Team 01: The Pack

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Official Repository for DotSlash 4.0 Submission of Team 01: The Pack


Problem Statement - Education for The Differently Abled

This application is developed to help deaf people interact with others with ease. It detects voice and converts the input speech into a sign language based video.While capture the sign language of deaf person and convert it into Transcript which can be ready by someone. Communication takes place easily without any translator.


What things you need to install the software and how to install them

  1. Python (>=Python 3.0)
  2. Node
  3. Flask

Running the Platform

  1. Run python main.py
  2. Record your voice for 5 seconds.
  3. wait for the processing to be done.
  4. The Video will be played in default video player (It should support .mp4 videos.)

Important Links

Mentors Suggestion

  • Suggestion 1 - To make the user voice input multilingual. (Completed)
  • Suggestion 2 - To build the other of communication i.e from Sign Language to Transcript. (Completed)

