
React + Unocss template starter

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Reactease is a react starter template with Vite, which means "Create react project with ease".(inspired by vitesse)


  • ⚑ Vite, pnpm
  • πŸ”₯ React
  • βš“ React Router
  • 🎨 Unocss
  • 🏠 Valtio, A user-friendly and concise state management using proxy
  • 🎈 Iconify for icons(Icon sets)
  • πŸ’ͺ TypeScript, of course
  • πŸš€ Using vite-plugin-react-swc, faster.
  • πŸ˜‹ ESLint with @antfu/eslint-config
  • πŸ“ File path alias ('~/*' -> src/*)

About unocss.config.ts

You can use many atomic css features by using the UnoCSS Packages

  1. presetAttributify

      m="x-2 y-1"
      bg="gray-400 hover:gray-200"
      text="2xl primary"
      font="base bold"
      Attributify Mode
  2. presetWind Integrated some features of TaildwindCSS and WindiCSS.

    <!-- lt-sm means screen less then 640px -->
    <div className='lt-sm:bg-red-200 at-sm:gray-400 sm:bg-blue-200'></div>
  3. transformerVariantGroup

    <div class="hover:(bg-gray-400 font-medium) font-(light mono)"/>


Copy the command below and run it.

npx degit hacker-c/reactease my-react-app

Then install the deps.

cd my-react-app
pnpm i # If you don't have pnpm installed, run: npm install -g pnpm



Just run and visit http://localhost:3333

pnpm dev


To build the App, run

pnpm build


You can try netlify or vercel or other ways.