
My solutions for vuejs-challenges.

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Solutions to vuejs-challenges

My solutions and explanations for Vuejs-Chanllenges from vuejs-challenges .

This repo includes explanations and correct answers for the chanllenges, give you a better experience to finish the questions.

How to use


  1. Clone the projects and run pnpm install

    git clone git@github.com:Hacker-C/vuejs-challenges.git
    cd vuejs-challenges
    pnpm install
  2. For every question, such as 1-hello-world,copy App.vue and index.test.ts from here,then paste to the local folder questions.

Test your answers

There are to ways to test your answers.

  1. (Recommend) When you want to test just one case, such as the 243-prevent-event-propagation,you can run pnpm test 243 to only test it.

    pnpm test 243
     ✓ questions/243-prevent-event-propagation/index.test.ts (1)
    Test Files  1 passed (1)
        Tests  1 passed (1)
        Time  4.62s (in thread 75ms, 6161.66%)
    PASS  Waiting for file changes...
        press h to show help, press q to quit
  2. Run the script pnpm test,then you can see if your answer passes the test.

    pnpm test
    ✓ questions/1-hello-word/index.test.ts (1)
    ✓ questions/2-ref-family/index.test.ts (2)
    Test Files  2 passed (2)
        Tests  3 passed (3)
        Time  4.42s (in thread 141ms, 3134.95%)
    PASS  Waiting for file changes...
    press h to show help, press q to quit
  3. Run pnpm test:ui,and click the link to see if you answers get passed with visualization.

Also, you can run pnpm dev to see if the page works properly.(Remember to change the path of the App in main.ts)

That's all, have fun!