
A mini terminal with simple commands by Vue3

Primary LanguageTypeScript

English | 中文



Hi! Here is a mini terminal built with Vue3 + TS + Pinia + TailwindCSS!

Onlie: https://term.mphy.me


It has some basic commands below(with the most basic usage):

  • tree - show the file and folder tree
  • echo [message] - print message
  • echo [message] > [filename] - write file
  • echo [message] >> [filename] - append context to file
  • cat [filename] - read file
  • cd [dirname] - change directory
  • cd .. - goto last directory
  • ls - list files in current directory
  • pwd - print current directory
  • clear - clear screen
  • mkdir [dirname] - create directory
  • touch [filename] - create file
  • welcome - welcome message
  • help - help message
  • open [url] - open url in new tab'
  • google [keywords] - search keywords in google
  • baidu [keywords] - search keywords in baidu
  • github - the source code of this project

More commands will be added...

Future plan

  • rm - remove file
  • rd - remove directory
  • j - jump to a directory
  • mv - move file
  • mkdir - limit name of directory(/
  • tree - optimize the display of file tree
  • Make a visual desktop file system(?)

Framework and library

  • Vue3 + TypeScript + Vite
  • Pinia
  • TailwindCSS


# Install
pnpm install
# Run
pnpm dev
# Build
pnpm build


The data structure of the terminal system is a N-ary tree which simulates the diractory structure of real machine. But there is a slight difference between them, I design a pointer called previous point to its parent node.

Note More about n-ary-tree: N-ary Tree Data Structure

interface Directory {
  id: number  // id
  name: string // current directory name
  files: File[] // all files below current directory
  directories: Directory[]   // all diractories, alos a pointer which points to its children nodes
  previous: Directory | null // a pointer which points to its parent node

This is the file data structure:

interface File {
  name: string // file name
  value: string // file content