Game Design and Specifications

The purpose of this document is to maintain a clear and updated set of Hacker Experience 2 specifications.

This document should be the starting point for any request to modify or insert an existing feature, character, asset or game mechanic.

Keep in mind that this is not the place to discuss implementation details. If a feature is deemed to be impracticable for any technical reason, an issue should be opened to discuss the problem in depth.

Please note that not necessarily all specs listed here have made into the public version of the game. This documentation is supposed to form a picture of the game we would like to have in the future, when finished. Given the evolutionary aspect of the software, some specs are implemented before others.

Hacker Experience 2

Before diving into the details, I'd like to share some words about Hacker Experience 2 genre, gameplay and goals. For the curious, I'll also tell a little bit about the game history, and how it evolved from a simple idea to a real project.