
A platformio platform for Particle.io framework and boards

MIT LicenseMIT

Particle development platform for PlatformIO

This PlatformIO platform is not currently endorsed or supported by either PlatformIO or Particle.

Particle is an All-In-One Platform for Cellular and WiFi IoT devices. For more information about Particle, see their website and particle.io.


  1. Install PlatformIO
  2. Create a PlatformIO project and configure a platform option in your platformio.ini file:

This platform is not yet part of platformio's registry, and as such, you will need to use the url form of platform version options in your platformio.ini

platform = https://github.com/HackerHappyHour/platform-particle.git
board = ...

To use a specific branch or tag of this platform, (for example dev), create a github based url accordingly.

platform = https://github.com/HackerHappyHour/platform-particle.git#dev
board = ...