- Nearly unlimited filters
- Supports all type of filters(Including Alert Button Filter).
- Can save button filters directly (Rose Bot Feature)
- Supports multiple PM connections
- And all other features of a Filter Bot :D
Add bot to your group with admin rights.
Add your filters :)
(You need to be an admin or Auth User in order to use these commands)
Filter Commands
/add <filtername> <filtercontent>
- To add your filter. You can also reply to your content with /add command. -
/del <filtername>
- Delete your filter. -
- Delete all filters from group. (Group Owner Only!) -
- List all filters in chat.
Connection Commands
/connect groupid
- Connects your group to PM. You can also simply use,/connect
in groups. -
- Manage your connections. (only in PM)
- Shows current status of your bot (Auth User Only) -
- Shows ID information -
/info <userid>
- Shows User Information. Also use/info
as reply to some message for their details!
Thanks to Erich Daniken
Any bugs or errors or suggestions, report at BOT SUPPORT ASTRA
git clone https://github.com/TroJanzHEX/Unlimited-Filter-Bot
cd Unlimited-Filter-Bot
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
# <Create config.py appropriately>
python3 bot.py
TG_BOT_TOKEN - Get bot token from @BotFather
API_ID - From my.telegram.org (or @UseTGXBot)
API_HASH - From my.telegram.org (or @UseTGXBot)
AUTH_USERS - ID of users that can use the bot commands. Get from MissRose Bot by using /id command
DATABASE_URI - Mongo Database URL from https://cloud.mongodb.com/
DATABASE_NAME - Your database name from mongoDB. Default will be 'Cluster0'
SAVE_USER - Give yes or no . Usefull for getting userinfo and total user counts. May reduce filter capacity :( .
HEROKU_API_KEY - To check dyno status. Go to https://dashboard.heroku.com/account , scroll down and press Reveal API
( Add required field as heroku var and give desired command as value. You can edit it in sample_config.py also!)
ADD_FILTER_CMD - default will be 'add'
DELETE_FILTER_CMD - default will be 'del'
DELETE_ALL_CMD - default will be 'delall'
CONNECT_COMMAND - default will be 'connect'
DISCONNECT_COMMAND - default will be 'disconnect'